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    Selena Gomez? Howdja get her?

    LaCroix sucks. It’s like drinking wet socks.

    If he doesn’t shout OUTRAGEOUS! then this was all for naught.

    There’s plenty of good feature material, but this ain’t it.

    The only reason this song exists was so that Weird Al could make the infinitely better Word Crimes.

    “is there any superhero movie or show that adequately comments on the moral/ethical implications of sueprheroism?”

    Yeah, Podcasts were invented in 2004 or so, and got mainstream support in like, 2005. People were toiling in the mines well before Maron.

    A correction: Flapjack was a Cartoon Network series, not Nickelodeon.

    The ending is a bit on the rushed side. But it did stick it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The show looked fantastic and it had tons of great gags. I only wish the plotline about Rachel was not spoiled in the hype train. Going into that blind would have been amazing. I understand why they wanted to publicize it, but

    I’ve always lusted for an extended/clean soundtrack version of this song. One of my fave theme songs of the era.

    It’s Tom Scioli, who is a wonderful man. Check out his other works, they’re worth your while.

    RIP Tim. He’ll be our special ghost tonight.

    Now playing

    You know what’s a good rethink that actually enhances the original song? The Broadway version.

    It’s the former.

    The guy that goes “Yeeeeeees?” whose name Alan can’t remember is Frank Nelson.

    I saw Lego Movie 2 at an early release, and there’s a few non-spoilery ways to say that I think these guys (who gave us 22 Jump Street) knew what they were doing with this sequel and what they were up against.

    I saw Lego Movie 2 at an early release, and there’s a few non-spoilery ways to say that I think these guys (who gave us 22 Jump Street) knew what they were doing with this sequel and what they were up against.

    Ah, so it’s like the movie “The Invention of Lying.”

    Want to improve your mac and cheese by 100%?

    Cracker Barrel cheese has never been associated with Cracker Barrel the restaurant.