
As a delivery method.

Imma get me some Chokey Chicken and watch this tonight.

Just as long as they don’t push that monogamy crap down our throats. Gerald made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve!

Verrrryyy interesting… but sad.

Now playing

I wasn’t a super-dedicated viewer, but I’d tune in for the theme song regularly:

Prince Ali, yes it is he, but not as you know him.


They have a real problem with Toxic Moclaninity.

Excellent episode, good write up. But:

I agree the epiphanies came really quickly; but why waste time gettin’ to where we be goin’? 

Bones buried in the backyard are taxed at a lower rate than bones hidden under the couch

HA HA, dangly parts.

Every someone mentions a new Marvel cartoon is just okay it makes me remember how good EMH was and I get sad again.

I’d love to ask Groening & the current batch of Simpsons writers whether they would be comfortable introducing Apu, as he’s portrayed now, as a brand-new character. If their answer is anything short of an emphatic ‘yes’, then at some level, they already know there’s a problem with him.

Don’t hate, they’re just trying a mom ‘n pop bismuth.

God, Mom(s)! I just wanna preserve all life on Earth!! Get off my back!!

An infamous betrayal of smooth music. Loggins is revisiting the scene of his crime.

Well they weren’t lying when they said Duckworth is in the opening titles!

Don’t you mean resting on her yannys?