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    Shut up, Cream Corn!

    Some would say they had to change their name because if you said TNN to someone they’d go “What?”

    The long shambling corpse of TNN has finally come to rest.

    I dunno who this “Black Lightning” fellow is, but I hear Supervolt is a big hit.

    Presumably one still transports and stores them live, they’re just stunned or killed immediately before boiling.

    The Performance MX is a bad mouse. It doesn’t have a proper auto-clutch scroll wheel and was an inferior replacement for the MX Revo. Save up a few more bucks and get a generation 1 MX Master instead.

    The Performance MX is a bad mouse. It doesn’t have a proper auto-clutch scroll wheel and was an inferior replacement

    I had only seen the one-hour opener for the Tangled series and thought it was decent enough. But on Kevin’s recommendation I sat down to watch more of it, and it’s fairly decent overall. The storybook art style is certainly a point in its favor, and the expressiveness of the movements have gotten quite better as the

    Alas, beaten to this joke by a country mile.

    This will only lead to Panzerhunds.

    In TNO there is a slideshow in the London Nautica near the end of the game that talks about their efforts to terraform Venus.

    No discussion about Rip Blazkowicz? I get the “wanting to keep some surprises” out of the review, but it turns out the most haunting relationship out of TNO and TOC is not BJ vs. Deathshead, or BJ vs Engel, but actually BJ fighting the memories of abuse by his father. The raw emotion he has at dealing with his family

    I would recommend reading the Octopus Pie storyline around Supermarket Sweep.

    Mingus Dew: The thinking man’s pop!

    There’s definitely some “out-of-ordering” going on here, as the Huey episode was next in production order according to Angones.

    Hey, Gyro can get character development too and become less of a socially maladjusted jerk as time goes on.

    Two things, etc.

    One of the staffers said in a tweet that he had “already appeared” on the show, and people figured out that the fellow on the left there was him.

    Duckworth’s already appeared in the show (as a freeze frame cameo). Whether he’s coming back in a speaking role later on is yet to be seen, but I bet he will.

    None of it really compares to his seminal work as KenTremendous on FireJoeMorgan.com. Awful Announcing is OK but they’re not quite up to the same level of eviscerating sports stupidity as Schur was.