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    The only thing that seems interesting in this movie is that it’s the first semi-mainstream property to directly reference Bionic Commando. It gets a few points from me for that. But not enough to see it in a theater.

    Challenge accepted!

    Kay-Bee Toys will always have a place in my heart because they were headquartered in my hometown, my first design teacher used to work there, and I used to work next door to their HQ (which I visited once). They had a light-up pin board in the main lobby with a light for all their stores. Yes, they may have had high

    Kay-Bee Toys for life. 100 West Street represent, yo.

    “Notably better” would be a stretch considering MercurySteam’s previous developments. The game itself is probably fine and I have no umbrage with its devs or even what it does and how it plays. They just could have handled it better, that’s all.

    It’s more about Nintendo’s scorched earth response to fan projects (and their general neglect of this franchise). I’ve been involved in that area so I know how it goes. Even in the context of scorched earth-ing they did it the best way they could (the game was released and then C&D’d afterwards).

    It seems decent enough in a vacuum, but AM2R was super solid and it’s hard to reward Nintendo’s response to that.

    I’m not even going to dignify this with a ReallyReallyBigMan reference. For shame.

    Shut up, Cream Corn!

    It’s absolutely bull. Wagner never struck me as the deconstructing type, so I do not expect any kind of self-aware commentary on the subject of aging or the way he portrays Magda. If anything, it continues to be his self-indulgency that has been present throughout the entire series that weighs it down. The longer it

    I went through the Mage hardcover collections last year or the year before (I can’t remember exactly when my coworker lent them to me) and I agree that Wagner’s writing hasn’t aged very well. I’m very mixed because there’s clearly a lot of good material in the Mage series, but there’s also puh-lenty of cruft. I wasn’t

    It’s even more depressing when you realize that the elderly man is high-odds to be Gentleman Jim from Briggs’ earlier work.

    Kinja really has killed things. No comments on this in the past day?

    Ah, when I went through it the thing barked at me for not having enough characters. You’re both a gentleman and a scallop.

    The biggest crime about this is one committed against me personally, in that two-character usernames are no longer allowed. I’m forced to be an inferior DV_ like it’s 1997.

    As a C-list commenter (at best) my parting thoughts don't mean much. I'm going to miss the community that cropped up here for Steven, because it's one of the few places that isn't overrun by teens high on their first fandom experience. I'll miss the Adventure Time guys and gals.

    Djambi, bring the chocolate icing!

    Just steer clear of that toxic waste, I hear it's not good for tentacles.

    As it turns out, you can't get financing for a production without a steady stream of Gregs for Gabrielle. Godspeed, Xena.