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    These guys are on fire right now. I didn't think this would be a good idea, but if they can make Weekend Update a regular feature outside of the show without sucking, then carry on.

    Clearly they haven't been looking at DeviantArt.

    I mean, I'd have an argument with that, because Starship never produced something as cutting and groovy as Jane.

    "It's sort of like the video game console wars in grade school when you were a kid. You were fiercely devoted to either PlayStation or Nintendo or Sega. It was likely because your parents could only afford to get you one system, so you had to put all your weight behind it because to do otherwise would be to admit you

    Have to say I agree. Everything about the song is just flattened down so much. The range of the melody of the lyrics seems more talky than singy, and don't get me started on the actual reduction of the musical parts.

    It's only an hour long; if they had more time they probably would have explored it more. But it is a series, and they clearly have a plan, so we'll see where it ends up.

    Your Mileage May Vary.

    I don't recall ever fighting Godzilla, but that's so what I would have done.

    Definitely, uh, NWS for the flapping ding-dong, but a great little bit about John, our favorite actor from Pirates of Silicon Valley.

    It can be two things.

    "U.S. Marshals, a sequel to The Fugitive that approximately no one remembers today, came close."

    You can buy them in grocery stores now!

    You should check out the new Ant-Man shorts from the French animators, they actually make me give a shit about Ant-Man!

    Loeb is a pox upon Marvel and the sooner his tendrils can be removed from it, the better.

    You couldn't do that twenty years ago, which is probably the last time Arundel visited, because the central artery was in the way. The Big Dig really opened up the city and it's no surprise that Boston has boomed since the completion of that project. It completely changed the character of the city for the better, and

    What a strange rant. Why does anybody want to visit anywhere?

    Yup, I have that album. A lot of good live versions on that.

    The film version of Empty Spaces is so much better than the album one. Shame we've never really gotten a proper release.

    I regret that I have but one upvote etc etc

    That's a fair cop. Polly's written some solid lyrics, but they're almost all on Gilmour's solo records, which have produced some work I've enjoyed a lot more than Lapse or Division Bell.