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    Doug Stamper is the worst character in the show. He's worse than the Tom and the press secretary combined.

    Well, the question "Who Made Who?" is always relevant in the world of Cars, because… who makes them, exactly?

    Dane Cook has exactly one good bit, and it's "The Friend Nobody Likes." The old exception that proves the rule that everything else he's done is garbage.

    At least the game got out there and finished; I'd say they did the bare minimum of dickery. Yeah, it sucks he can't distribute patches, but the game's out there and that can't be killed.

    Good Idea:

    So that's why AM2R got the boot!


    Set Roth used some of that Da'at Yichud medical tech.

    And yet BJ goes on about the X-Labs… so, I dunno!


    Wow, the number of comments on these reviews is as depressing as this show's been this year. I'm still reading the reviews, though.

    Turns out the competition from Cheeser's was too rough.

    I mean, I've been saying Ree-sez the entire time, I don't know what's up with you weirdos. It rhymes with pieces!

    I thought that was a flashback too, back to the night she spent at Dev's place.

    Or her ancient ancestor.

    But can he make the blood flow UP the walls?


    Yes isn't even AT this concert!

    Don't forget "We pay tons of income tax!"
