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    You and I both know that Slappy Squirrel needs to comment on the Trump administration.

    Let's combine our two favorite space courts!

    She said it was done with a sword, and who is our resident sword enthusiast?

    I don't recall fighting dinosaurs, but that's so what I would have done.

    Good morning, Diamonds, your honors
    Zircon will plainly show the prisoner who stands before you
    Was caught red-handed showing feelings
    Showing feelings of an almost human nature!
    This will not do!

    But you were wrong! It was me, Dio-mond!

    Wonder if Ms. Sugar's been watching some Better Call Saul. There's a little bit of Jimmy McGill in blue Zircon.

    I bet you're all wondering why I called you here to the warp pad today…

    You'd think her joke would get old, but it doesn't. She was the best.

    It was bugging me how familiar Joyce sounded, then it clicked: she's Honeybee from Black Dynamite.

    He will always be Robbie to me.

    Luthor knew that algebra was all razzmatazz.

    Cheung's stiff upper lip makes many Britons jealous.

    Well, I'll still vote for him for mayor of Popcornopolis.

    Cycles are a good point, but I actually imagine that this bird is not that bad on cycles. It's been sitting derelict for decades, that's a bigger issue. There's not really many Jetstars in service today. The cost of getting it airworthy for a private individual would be foolish. Maintaining it would be hell.


    I agree that Ashi deserved better. While this wasn't quite a fridging, it was pretty darn close.

    I have a profile of good detail with several normal photos Iwithout hats on). The reality is that I started losing my hair in my mid-20s, and I've been shaving my head since before I turned thirty. I look and feel a lot better that way but I know not having hair is a real barrier for some women.

    After rewatching the episode this morning, my grade on the actual content would be something like a B. I agree with the notion that it was unsatisfying. I kind of wanted everything to pull through. Jack did make it back to the past, he undid the evil that is Aku, but having Ashi just fade away like that… and having

    He listed 29 daughters. I'm not sure how his wife did it.