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    I write interesting messages based on someone's profile and don't get responses. Such is life.

    I wouldn't want anything to do with him after he wallowed away in his own cowardice.

    Ashi can be like Terra from FFVI. As long as she holds on to her human side, she can still exist when her esper side goes away.

    The term is AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego).

    The Major and Togusa would make for an interesting family unit.

    Except a business they represent is the US health insurance industry, which is best summed up in a line from the seminal 2004 movie, The Incredibles.

    Everyone's noting the Zoidberg connection with the walrus, but I was actually thinking with that Scandinavian accent it could've been a reference to the Woody Woodpecker character Wally Walrus who Billy West ALSO played back in the 90s. Given Genndy's love of old cartoon in-jokes, I'm leaning towards it!

    Yes, and it was glorious. That thing sat on a shelf for years. Glad he finally got it out.

    I'm not hearing a no…

    You ALL need more Zoidberg!

    That's a really solid point on Jack's upbringing. Good thoughts all around.

    Agreed, the Killing Joke was much worse on this front.

    They are both adults, but Ashi is a victim of a brainwashing cult that was bent on killing Jack, and he's (mentally) decades her senior. I'm not opposed to the relationship (I've seen very negative reactions elsewhere) but it is something to consider.

    I've rewatched the episode this morning and I have very mixed feelings on it.

    I've had Art of Atari for a while; I wish someone would do something similar for Commodore.

    There's plenty of other ELO songs to use!

    I live in the shadows of the Wang Towers, so at least I get it. :V

    I meant they as in Cinemax themselves. I should really work on this "writing without ambiguity" thing.

    Well, yeah, but I didn't think they actually called it "Skinemax."

    I also use the "Eng-uh-land."