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    I don't know if this is the movie that coined "Skinemax" as a riff on Cinemax, but I only heard it referenced in film and television after this movie, so…

    When I was fifteen, I had a T-shirt with this entire speech printed on it.

    Who throws a shoe, honestly!?

    Why did you— *BLAM*

    There is an official release of the first (and second) movie's score, combined on to one compact disc. I nabbed it from Amazon years ago, it's still there if you search for Austin Powers Score Soundtrack.

    A follow-up to an earlier moment where he sits in his chair, and someone goes to take away Mr. Bigglesworth and they wind up pulling him away by his arm. Both hysterical.

    A hot pocket is really a miniature Calzone, so it would fall under wherever calzones would go. I haven't considered as to whether or not calzones fall under sandwich or pizza. I suppose a calzone would really fall under the "pie" family as its own genus, as it's really a hand-portable enclosed pie. The warm, savory

    You have to think of the sandwich as a Family, under which there are genus and species.

    Until this game has a Smash-like item enable/disable, it is too annoying for decent players to play. Blue shells do not help the last place person. The Bullet Bill is a much better powerup. If I could keep all the other items except the Blue Shell it would make our Mario Kart sessions much more fun.

    They won't bring back the old intro, but I do hope that they would have made a new-new intro since hope is no longer lost.

    Yes, I agree that he was better as Aku in this episode. He won't be Mako, but as far as Aku facsimiles go, it was good. I appreciated some of Aku's bits earlier (like ME-laiiiiiiise) but I will give credit where it's due. Let's see how he does in the finale a few weeks from now.

    This episode had three solid out-loud "Holy shit!" moments: Ashi bowling over the army, Jack getting his Paladin upgrade and Legend sword, and Ashi just spearing her mother with the arrow. The waiting for this series may have been the hardest part, but it was worth it. Only three more episodes to go and I will miss it

    The plans on the wall for the super soldiers were basically the Ubersoldats from RTCW/New Order. Between that and the robot dogs it felt like someone making those flashbacks was a legit Wolfenstein fan.


    DVDs weren't super popular until 1999, when the second movie came out. The tech was brand new bleeding edge in 1997.

    You're not all that and a bag of potato chips!

    “It’s crazy to think that 50 years later we are looking back on this project with such fondness and a little bit of amazement at how four guys, a great producer and his engineers could make such a lasting piece of art.”


    The only bit from the third movie that has lasted for any time is Caine's delivery of the "Intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch" bit. Fortunately, that's a really good bit.

    Doctor Evil is the best part of the movies. He just has so many solid bits that hold up. Austin has a few more clunkers, but you try and tell me that the whole sharks with laser beams bit is not funny, cause it is.