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    Those filthy buggers, they go from port to port.

    Pff, get on my level, George. The next thing you'll tell me is that there's a hidden H in the Hartford Whalers logo.

    Look at a one-color version of the Wendy's logo with Wendy in it, and look at the ruffles of her collar. Instead of the light blue, they're solid. You'll never un-see the word MOM made from the collar and her brooch.

    Ernesto is great, and the fact that Chuck fired him after he was no longer useful to him was perhaps the most monstrous thing he did in this episode.

    Reality is an illusion!
    The universe is a hologram!
    Buy gold!

    The decade-plus wait for this conclusion was completely necessary, for without it we wouldn't have gotten that lovely Hateful Eight reference that is the bar scene.

    OZZY: Hit him with this! *hands over giant rock*

    A nation turns its lonely eyes to you, mew mew mew~

    Yes, that is true, my bad.

    I think it also goes to show that you can't just take something out of twenty years ago without learning lessons of the intermediate time frame. Doing that without hurting the experience is extremely difficult. Retro Studios has done it, twice, to great acclaim. Rare just doesn't seem to have the talent or imagination

    Completely true, and they also had a lot more budget.

    People were expecting a Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze level of quality and realistically that just wasn't going to happen, for a variety of reasons. Yooka-Laylee does what it says on the tin, but maybe it's us that changed.

    Show us this… the wheel!

    Hamlin is totally done with the McGill clan. He has to be looking at ways of cutting Chuck out without having to pay him out.

    Let's ask Dr. Steve Brule.

    I wasn't against Archer Vice, but they did run a lot of bits that were initially funny into the ground.

    I liked both, and I will agree that Grinder was better. But they were both cut down before they got their legs.

    This just makes me miss Grandfathered. Show just needed a chance.

    No, I meant Dr. Wily.

    The only thing this has going for it is that Billy West voices Dr. Wily. I don't have much faith that it'll be good.