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    That's fair.

    If you like that, you should listen to Rob Paulsen's Talkin' Toons podcast.

    Well, his crippling carpenteria affects the roles he can take.

    Fortunately his son is much, much funnier.

    When I think of noted character actor David Warner, all I think of is him as The Lobe facing off with Norm Abram.

    This sort of mirrors my opinions, even though I think the first movie is the . HA 2 is a technically better movie on a lot of counts despite being a retread of the plot and diving further into the land of implausibility. The gags (by themselves) are funnier, the scale is bigger, but the pigeon lady is just not on the

    Home Alone 2, specifically, because hoo boy.

    One of the best things about Rise is Konstantin. An absolutely great villain.

    I never played the 2013 edition, but from what I've read it's an improvement both in storytelling and in gameplay. It's a very Indiana Jones-y experience that doesn't over-explain its premise. It does swipe a little more from Uncharted, but considering the debt that Uncharted owes Tomb Raider, it's a bit of fair

    I just finished up Rise of the Tomb Raider and it was very fun. If they could manage to translate that take of Lara to the big screen it would be a pretty fun movie.

    Yup, and it was great too.

    I think that, much like Jack, this time away has honed his will and skills, and has returned back to where he was needed.

    This concept of wuv confuses and infuriates them!

    Dude's gotta eat.

    The goofball humor is part and parcel of Samurai Jack since the beginning. It is not the show without it.

    Dare say it felt like he was channeling a bit of Keith David in that delivery.

    The absolute peak of this episode was the black comedy of Ashi ranting at Jack, going "DIE! DIE! DIE!" and Jack, with his expression on his face, simply letting go of the chains. I was guffawing through the entire thing. It's not supposed to be funny per se, but the sheer futility of Ashi yelling when Jack has the

    Pope. POPE! It's time to get up and put on your hat!

    Represented by Dewey, Cheathem, and Howe.

    Admittedly I had very high expectations, but I was let down. I mean, nobody else is NPH, but I at least expected shenanigans on the same level as Mayhem of the Music Meister. Not enough music and not enough camp. Boo-urns.