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    You weren't getting the authentic experience without the Famicom version and the VRC6 chip anyway..

    This got a chuckle, but it also made me re-examine my thoughts a bit.

    I listen to game tunes all the time, but I'm just calling this out as the hipster-bait that it is. I also loathe audiophile bullshit. I can buy the argument of reissuing analog audio on vinyl (it's all analog all around) but all I see here is a cash grab.

    Sure, I wouldn't argue with that. The 2D/3D mix could have worked, maybe with another iteraiton.

    Vinyl releases for purely digital audio baffle me (other than the collectability aspect).

    I was really bummed last year that I missed Seth MacFarlane's performance at Tanglewood (I had a scheduling conflict) because I bet he would have done that one live and it would have RULED.

    They never did get her, though.

    Can you get the blood to flow UP the walls?

    No love for Stanny Slickers 2: The Curse of Ollie's Gold?

    Ashi has the same haricut as Ilana from SBT.

    I didn't know I wanted this exact thing until RIGHT NOW and I will spend all the money to make it happen.

    Grayed hair, minigun leg Scotsman will be around sometime. I can't wait.

    I don't think it's the absolute best gameplay level in the game (IMO that probably goes to Area 6) but Area 5 is the most memorable. It's red sunset, the first all-vertical level, and the first appearance of that distinct song (named Heat Wave in BC:R) that put it on people's lists.

    Talk about a narrow list of choices. No love for, well, anything besides Mario, Sonic, or Zelda? Talk about a terrible poll.

    Hans Zimmer hasn't had a good theme since The Critic.

    Goodnight, everybody!

    West-Coast Avengers Company, or WACO (pronounced whacko)

    People remember Anton Ego. He wasn't the villain per se, but he was the antagonist in my mind.

    This was implemented in our software around 2009. I'm not THAT old. But there are still plenty of modern things that have DIP switches.

    I worked for a company (now defunct) that had an archiving component to its software, and we used WinRAR for our compression. We paid X amount of dollars for a thousand user license. It was the only effective compression scheme for preserving NTFS file streams at the time, which if you were an ExtremeZ-IP (now Acronis