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    Roger, Rodger.

    They actually had plans for a rev B Concorde with many improvements, but it was never built because of the collapse of its manufacturers into Airbus, and the reality was that nobody would buy it.

    JetBlue boards this way. Mint/Even more space first, then start from the back, 25-30, 20-24, 15-19, etc.

    The holy grail of short-haul economics is to get a widebody jet with the operating economics of a narrowbody. Loading and unloading a twin-aisle jet is just so much faster.

    You can always cook the sheep after you shear them.

    I must have been thinking of the bit where he talks about stealthily smoking on an airplane lavatory, then.

    This sounds really familiar to me. Pretty sure it was a George Carlin bit.

    The spirit of Captain Crunch lives on.

    I mean, he did show up as Yoda in SW: Rebels.

    It would only be funnier (to me) if it was about filling out income taxes, especially Schedule C.

    I'm not sure if I'm a fan (as in, I don't collect stuff for it or follow things online about it) but I enjoy watching it and the joke writing is just so snappy. They're not afraid to poke fun of themselves or fans of both incarnations.

    While Mako is missing, it was nice to see Sab Shimono and Lauren Tom return to voice Jack's parents. Shimono's probably not long for this world either (dude's eighty-ish) and it's always a joy to hear him whenever he pops up.

    I was disappointed to hear that they cast Baldwin. I never cared for Balwin's Iroh, but they had no real choice to finish out ATLA. No one can truly replace Mako, but I always thought there would be better than Baldwin out there.

    This was Jethro Tull-level stuff. Did they get Ian Anderson and not tell us?

    I actually find TTG to be extremely funny, but I don't treat it at all like the original series. It can be awful in that Always Sunny way, except kid friendly. Their music is top notch. I mean, they got Robert Morse to be a singing Santa. What more could I want?

    Gordon is just a big teddy bear, US Kitchen Nightmares is him playing a character. His specials on improving the food and cooking in UK jails was eye-opening both for his sternness and understanding. Dude genuinely wants to do good.

    I'll tell you one thing that really drives me nuts—it's people who think Jethro Tull is just a person in the band.

    I didn't know I wanted this to have happened until right now. Now I'm sad.

    I would say that, as an action movie, Executive Decision is overall better than Air Force One, but it just doesn't have the gravitas of Harrison Ford as the president saying "GET OFF MY PLANE."

    There was a fan theory floating around that Connery's character was, indeed, Bond. The timeline certainly lines up.