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    I have a Volvo. A beige one.

    It worked for Regular Show.

    Lennon and McCartney both had chart-topping solo careers that, in absentia of the Beatles, would be remembered as some of the best of all time.

    I too remember that from The Wall's commentary track.

    Both Radio KAOS and Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking had something to say, even if neither reaches the heights of work that Waters had collaborating with Gilmour.

    I asked for this sequel. :(

    Looks like they're nailing it so far. Good work, Mr. Tennant.

    Scooby Meets KISS is basically a magical girl anime with KISS trappings. Complete with henshin sequences. I wish I was joking.


    The historical parallels are uncanny, TBH.

    And I'm his friend, the Captain of Outer Space!

    I don't eat at Taco Bell, and this wouldn't get me to go there, but it did seem like a neat idea.

    I love commentary tracks. I love learning about shit or hearing people goof off. They were a reason why I bought physical media. People making physical media stopped putting them together, so I stopped buying discs.


    You're supposed to review the info for your destination airport before departure, and you should be familiar with fields you routinely fly into. But familiarity breeds complacency. There are NOTAMs issued regularly, presumably if you check them (as you are supposed to do) you will be kept abreast of recent changes.

    It's not an unexpected thing, and it happens very rarely (something like every fifty years) so people just get used to it. Charts and NOTAMs alert you to the changes.

    Also, these small GA runways at airports tend not to have major lighting features, so the lack of christmas trees (due to space and cost reasons) is not unusual. I was just saying in my original comment that if they were available, it makes it easier recognize an approach mistake.

    The runway numbers are based on magnetic compass headings. If the magnetic heading is 200, then it's runway 20. Over the years, these numbers drift due to the slight shifting of the magnetic poles. It's something of one degree every five years depending on where you are in North America. Once the drift gets to a

    There are navigational aid lights that are visible during the day (like PAPIs) and certain other approach lights. But the lighting structures are still visible during the day, and if you don't see a bunch of christmas trees directly under your approach, you're probably not lined up correctly.

    Review your charts, review the airport diagram, follow your navaids, and review aerial information before your flight to an unfamiliar airport.