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    There's procedures for this.

    In terms of making the airport safer, there are always improvements that could be made, but at the end of the day it's the pilot's responsibility to fly their plane where it needs to go. Even if there were giant yellow TAXI letters at the end of the taxiway, Ford probably would have missed them, since he missed the

    For an explanation as to how a pilot could make this mistake (and this does happen more often than you think), the conditions at SNA make it possible, albeit unlikely for it to occur. For a private pilot like Ford who is probably used to landing at single-runway, green airports without commercial traffic, an airport

    Feels very Kate Beaton. I dig it.

    A reminder that Susan Egan voiced Tiny Floating Whale all the way back in the first Rose's Room. I always thought it would have been a clue towards something.

    Thank you. I really appreciate the thoughts. Us Camp Pining Hearts fans have to stick together!

    This was great reading, all of it. Thanks.

    Yeah, after watching some TPIR last week with my mom as a distraction from various life events, I couldn't help but notice the rushed pace of the show. TPIR is one giant commercial to begin with, do they really need to cram even more in there? Drew barely has any time to connect with anyone. I don't mind Drew, but you

    Cactus Cooler isn't Mexican, but it IS delicious.

    Thanks, it is much appreciated. I'm a grown-ass man too, and I can't imagine what it would be like to be a little kid to lose your dad or mom.

    The hard part is that I didn't even get to see him right before he died. I live about two hours away, and his death was so sudden. I last talked to him during the Super Bowl, and I visited him two weeks before that, but he was still at home at that time. It was like business as usual even though we knew about the

    I never knew my dad's father, as he died a few years before I was born, so I do understand that a little bit. It's not quite the same with a grandparent, but the cycle is continuing as my nephew was born a scant few months ago. He won't know his grandpa. I wanted to record a Rose-esque video for him with my dad, but

    The timing of this episode is particularly painful for me after I just buried my father this week. He died from complications of lung cancer after a short struggle. You always wish you had just a little more time, to just hear their voice again. You never have a chance to truly unpack all the baggage, because in the

    It's not and the hole that it and Grandfathered left in my tuesday TV viewing habit is noticeable.

    The only way this movie could have been better is if Ambush Bug showed up.

    It's either a contract/legal thing or part of the gag.

    The fucker left his own party in the third quarter, he shouldn't be given credit for believing in squat. But, rich people gotta rich I guess.

    Again, these seats must be confirmed by the senate. The senate republicans held up the current empty seat, which expired in 2015 and belonged to now former commissioner Rosenworcel because they felt like it. They basically let her seat expire and would not renew her commission because of partisan politics.

    You're not far off the mark. It turns out with Tom Wheeler that he became a lobbyist for the American People. Like, the telcos were not expecting to have one of their own lobby against them.

    I mean, he had to appoint a Republican to fill an empty minority party seat, you cannot stuff the FCC board completely with one party, it's the law. A lot of times these picks are traded and dealt within the senate. In the case of Michael O'Reilly (the other minority commissioner at the time) he came along with Tom