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    I was wondering when we'd get our first gimmick poster, and you do not disappoint.

    We eat the night, we drink the time
    Make our dreams come true
    And hungry eyes are passing by
    On streets we call the zoo

    Man, what can I say about Holly Blue Agate… I guess she's a real Blue Meanie.

    Space Mall was perfection. The season had highs (the riff on Mars: The Bringer of War) and lows (the repetition of the unfunny "Lance is creeping on Alura" non-jokes). The final showdown was superb, even if it didn't completely ring plot-wise.

    You name it, they draw it!

    Jonesy's a great book. Kinda bummed it's not getting much love in this section. Its use of color and just the sheer charm of its characters makes it a wonderful read.

    Ah, it was Future Quest that was canned at #12. You are correct to take my hastily made pessimism with some sodium.

    Contract for twelve issues and DC isn't renewing it.


    He already did, in this month's issue.

    This was my favorite book of 2016. A shame that it will end so soon. Hopefully Mark Russel's Snagglepuss will take up the torch.

    I mean, all the other Jedi are constantly fighting the Red Bull in the ocean to amuse King Haggard.

    95% of his discography is utter garbage, but like some squirrel from Mississippi, there is an acorn or two of good tracks, like Gitarzan or his cover of Along Came Jones.

    I turned sixteen in the spring of my freshman year, and even that's late for freshmen.

    Not flawless, but 30 year old me definitely enjoyed it more than 15 year old me. Despite all its problems, it's a great skewering of action movies and I'm a sucker for a good skewer.

    No mention of the slightly disappointing semi-sequel, US Marshals? Then again, any vehicle that gives Tommy Lee Jones work is generally OK in my book.

    Keep in mind that RTCW predated Call of Duty, it was a contemporary of Medal of Honor… but with zombies and flamethrowers. Oh, and the ubersoldats. If you like RTCW, you should play the prequel for TNO, The Old Blood.

    It's a known fact that 90% of scientific discoveries were made with men and women either on the toilet or in the bathtub.

    I mean, look, we all love a good shit. Leaving a good log in the toilet leaves you feeling satisfied, like you've created something. Even a messy diarrhea can have a satisfying conclusion, if it's in work of humiliating somebody you hate.