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    I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop for Dennis (his corporate platitudes really were expertly don) and it dropped in the greatest way. You can't hate dogs.

    The Doom method for ammo pickups was a lot better, and I hope The New Colossus adapts Doom's tweaks to pickups.

    I've been a Wolfenstein fan since the Commodore days (man, am I dating myself there). I played the original, then Wolf3D, joined a competitive RTCW team, played a lot of ET, and kind of pushed through Wolf 09. TNO is the best the series has to offer, and while it isn't perfect, it's a hell of a game that at least

    RTCW's single player campaign was, at the time, an above-average shooter. What really set that game apart, though, was the multiplayer. It's still better as a team-based shooter than Team Fortress 2 and I'll take that statement to my grave.

    Yes, yes it does.

    How about explod-ing Nazis? Rad Spencer would be more than happy to punch, or more faithfullly, explod them. BJ Blazkowicz can join him and they can punch Nazis together.

    As a photographer, I appreciate in-depth videos on products that show how they're used in the field. Acratech is no slouch, although Really Right Stuff, their main competitor, has been my pick. There's nothing more exciting than L-plates!

    Seeing James Urbaniak on screen, I immediately recognized him. Doctor Venture is always typecast, I guess!

    Well, of course. She calls herself a doctor, but that doesn't make her a doctor, those fancy clothes do.

    That's true of Beware the Batman, Megas: XLR, Titan, and IGPX. There might also be more, but those are the ones I know of off the top of my head.

    "It's just business," they say, as they use their reduced tax bills to give everyone a bonus.

    Oh yes, I've had it on my NAS for years. I still burn through it every other year or so.

    So you could say that this game's mansion is full of maniacs?

    CN wrote off the production of SBT for tax purposes, and the series air rights are essentially the collateral. They can't air the series as it exists anymore. Could they make another one? Probably, but it'd be an entirely new and different series. The current one is, unfortunately, kaput.

    As long as it's not Greg Baldwin, I'm cool.

    Unfortunately SBT is dead, as it was written off entirely and is now property of the US Government, apparently. It's never coming back. It suffered the same fate as Megas XLR, which is why there's no way to actually watch it.

    Gotta give the show credit, it pulled out an A grade when it desperately needed it. It had great character, good drama, and it even had some looks. Hopefully (in a month) we'll get a followup that is equally impressive. If only the show could be this on all the time.

    I mean, this has basically been the "Tom Brady Revengeance" tour. I know people don't like the Patriots but embarrassing Goodell should be every football fan's priority at this point.

    This is why you don't listen to sports radio.

    It's the whole Catholic guilt thing.