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    Also, that he smells nice and is pretty.

    You may be wondering why your ice cream melted, Little Suzie. Well, the culprit isn't foreigners, it's GLOBAL WARMING!

    Diamond is Unbreakable (aka Jojo Part 4) doesn't get much better with the villain-of-the-week bit in the beginning, but about halfway it narrows its focus. For some reason the vllains in Stardust worked for me mostly, where it didn't in Diamond, and Diamond only got really interesting to me once it really settled in

    Part of the appeal of Jojo is that it is stupid as hell, but if it's YOUR kind of stupid as hell (for me, the dad rock theme and the tribulations of the Joestar clan are my flavor) then it works.

    Jojo Part 4 was very divisive in my social group. Me, personally, I liked it less than parts 1-3 for a variety of reasons, but I still stuck through it.

    I like anime, but I recognize "anime bullshit." Much like there's American action movie bullshit, and sitcom bullshit as well.

    EDGE is the name of the 2G data network used by the original iPhone.

    Oh, there are certainly ceremonious layoffs, just not the happy kind of ceremony. The company makes a big how-do-you-do about belt tightening, maybe early retirements, whatever.

    The best part of Space Jam is the animated sequence where Danny DeVito dreams about how Michael Jordan will be slaving away in his amusement park. The style was quite nice, and DeVito's slimy charm just oozed through his performance.

    I bought the first iPhone with my first bonus check from my first salaried job back in December 2007 (after I had been out of work for a few months after being unceremoniously laid off from my previous job). I had that phone for four years, longer than any other cell phone. Yes, it was slow, but between software

    They still have yet to pry my unlimited data out of my warm, living fingers.

    Legend has it that Bionic Commando was so hard that the Nintendo censors couldn't beat it, thus why we still got "You Damn Fool" and Hitler's exploding head in its full glory.

    I mean, it was also the case that a lot of those albums were basically staffed by the same guys aside from Lynne. There was a lot of cross pollination between Lynne, Petty, Harrison, and the musicians they all played with. They were all in each others' work so much for a period of five years or so that Lynne's

    Billy Gibbons is an experimenter and has a truly open mind to different kinds of sound. It's one of his better qualities.


    I also love celery salt, but I was told that onion powder has an even lower sodium content than celery salt, so I switched to that a while back.

    Split-top toasted (with butter) new england style bun, Gulden's mustard, onion powder, and a bag of Cape Cod chips.


    The minigame where Reynn has to catch him is the worst.

    They made a Threshold joke, which basically makes the game worth the cost of admission.