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    These questions were already answered in the past, and translation errors and minor gotchas are small potatoes compared to how a game actually was born and the influence it had on the company that hadn't had that kind of success before.

    We always argued as to whether it was a trumpet or a french horn. Twas neither fish nor fowl, that patch. The fart bass too, bleh. On the other hand, the clarinet and oboe patches were fairly decent. There were a lot of things going on in the soundtrack, like the actual FM synths, that weren't used in previous games

    Square always programmed their own samples for SNES/PSX era games. They just didn't do a very good job with the FF7 ones. Keeping in mind that it was their first attempt after basically mastering the SPC.

    Tellah committed suicide in a grief-driven fit of madness!

    It turns out that it's really expensive and labor intensive to do complex 2D animated computer games, moreso than models even. There are ways, though (see: WayForward).

    The reason why games have such problems with this in Germany is that their censorship law WRT depictions of Nazis and Hitler do not cover games as a form of art. People have been trying to change this law for a while, but haven't succeeded yet. This is why Germans could make a movie like "Look Who's Back" yet can't

    🎶 I'll be back in the high life again
    All the doors I closed one time
    Will open up again 🎶

    They did, but ironically it never aired.

    I dunno, he feels more like Bruce Campbell to me. I mean, c'mon, that chin!

    If you read a few back-issues, you'll see that Fred and Barney were veterans of a war during the founding of Bedrock. They go into a lot of detail about it. I don't want to spoil it, but it is both sad and impactful.

    The last time I was down my dentist told me they had closed and when I went by they were indeed closed. This was months ago, though. Are they really back?

    Their short ribs were perfect with their own peanut sauce. Country pad thai (perfect spice), and a big heaping bowl of beef pho. My sodium content can't take it these days.

    I too lived in Waltham parallel to Moody Street at the time (I bet we were even in the same neighborhood). RIP Wings Express and Pho & Spice.


    Welcome to Brockton, motherfuckers!

    It's still too fuckin' soon, Mahky Mahk. I'm not seeing this movie out of principle despite living five minutes away from where the suspects were finally cornered in Watertown.


    He's reporting this!

    Same. If I got a Stetson hat from Larry Hagman I would put it under hermetical seal so that such a wonderful thing could never be lost to the world.

    Given the choice between the two of you, I'd take the, uh, erm… seasick crocodile!