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    That's fair. I don't think it's something _evil_, more that it's Chekov's Darksaber and I don't think it'll come easy.

    The way the camera was framed and Sabine's expressions implied that she was going to hide the darksaber from the rest of the crew. I read it as her taking something forbidden. Yes, she is a more "rightful" owner of the Darksaber than Maul given her lineage to Vizsla, but I can't imagine there being no conflict over it.

    Surprised no discussion in the review about Sabine taking the Darksaber. Wonder where THAT'S gonna go. That scene was one of the most chilling ones of the entire episode. The implications!

    Doesn't Bail Organa know that Obi-Wan is alive? Your idea still fits in everything, though, and gives the show a true goal.

    That brings up a good point. I think I have to rewatch the Seige of Lothal, but I wonder if Kallus knew that she was going to be offed instead of taken prisoner. Tarkin offed the two bumbling underlings at the same time, and I can't recall Kallus' reaction to that. Maybe he has some guilt over those events too.

    They're little footballs!

    Pretty sure this comments section called Kallus as NuFulcrum ages ago. Hopefully he can escape to the good guys, but something tells me that Thrawn will not make it easy.

    The thinking man's bounty hunter!

    Dogcopter: Now with new sled!

    I think she realized that it would violate Rose's will, and that a reformed Rose would probably be very cross with Pearl.

    "Gold!? I just got him a little bottle of myrrh!"

    Have you played the new Doom, Wolfenstein: The New Order (or its quasi-expansion/retcon prequel The Old Blood)? They're perfect for the reckless gamer in you.

    Christmas was not good for little Andy in 1978.

    "What the hell was that?"

    It's hard to pull one over on The Major.

    I missed out on Thursday night chat because I was out on vacation in Seattle (and had managed to stay on complete blackout for this and managed not to get the casting spoiled). When I heard Andy talk, I did a double take. "They didn't actually get Dave Willis, did they?" and then a few more lines later, all I could

    Oh, so they finally jazzed it up.

    That last season left a lot to be desired but you could tell Cannell was kind of checked out and the series beyond what it could do. Stockwell was always a good character; Vaughn played him expertly.

    Also General Stockwell from the A-Team. Obviously remember him more as Napoleon Solo, but Mr. Vaughn was in a lot of places in my film and TV history. He'll be missed.

    I'm generally indifferent on N*SYNC but Timberlake was a legit talent.