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    Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

    Yes, running something into the ground can produce the opposite response.

    YJ had a rough start for me (I religiously watched DCAU and BATBL over the years) but it got better. TTG scratches a different itch, the two can coexist.

    TTG is brilliantly funny. It does a different thing than YJ extremely well. It's like an animated It's Always Sunny. The episode about rental property is a personal favorite—it could only be funnier if it was about income taxes.

    No, no, they were saying… Boo-ruce! Boo-ruce!

    If it's anything like the surprisingly good Scooby-Doo Wrestlemania Mystery, these could very well surprise us.

    He's busy chowing down on Frosty Fluffs and hugging a Miki-chan daki, he's fine.

    Whoa, hold on there, Steely Dan!

    I make maps in C:Sky of New England cities, but they're just maps of the terrain and highways. The mapmaking tools are not optimal for making 1:1 recreations, so this effort is pretty impressive.

    Barry gave her some super speed pointers.

    Abbi Jacobson is probably my archetypical "ideal woman." Maybe because she reminds me a lot of my ex-girlfriend. Artist, kinda doofy, brunette, says silly but insightful things. TV needs more people like her.

    It's been a real race between Konami and Capcom as to who would piss off their longtime fans the most.

    As both "Bear Tranquilizer Simulator" and "fucking around with enemy AI simulator," it is unparalleled.

    He uses eye-lasers to burn off his hair, you can never get that baby smooth.

    Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mister "I'm My Own Grandpa." Let's just steal the damned radar dish!

    Shepard Fairey is a plagiarist and a hack. No thanks.

    Roll Fizzlebeef.

    I prefer the onion rings they call The Zoo.

    I can't wait for this to show up in My World of Flops.

    Now, listen to me! You back off, Trebek! You wouldn't have known that if you didn't have that card in front of you! This guy reads from a card!