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    That's part of the plot of Tropic Thunder!

    This could be a combo Run the Series / My World of Flops. Man, these movies were terrible, thankfully I avoided them as a kid and saw them during said bad movie clubs getting hammered.

    Thanks for the rec, I'll check it out. I remember the book from way back when.

    I've flown actual First Class exactly twice, once was when I got a cheap upgrade from ABQ > DFW on one leg back to BDL on an MD80. It wasn't much to write about since the flight was, at best, an hour long. Occasionally I spring for Even More Space on JetBlue but I haven't regularly flown on legacy carriers in the past

    You know, I always hated US Airways too (despite liking their color schemes) but the people who worked for them made it very hard to hate them. They always accommodated me and I technically never had any actual problems with them whenever I flew with them. I did hate their spat of 50 seat CRJs up here in the

    Uh oh. Somebody's getting an e-mail!

    Still too fuckin' soon, Mahky Mahk.

    This is a problem for Cartoon Network in general, as it currently has only one show airing by a female creator (Steven Universe), and it's only had one other show in its history that had a woman credited as a part creator (My Gym Partner is a Monkey, which was created by a husband and wife team). While there are many

    Yes, it definitely does. Probably if you’re flying in a 787, the food might taste slightly better. The jury’s kind of out for me because everything’s pressurized, and you would have to check this on the Boeing site, but 787s are pressurized at a lower altitude, which means that you do feel better when you get off at

    You can always stop at Rein's on your drive down to NYC. :V

    Chiptunes, technically, are supposed to be wholly composed on a synthesizer chip, but the term is so broad now that it encompasses people who use the synth chips in general music. I would probably classify that stuff more as chiptune fusion (a term I just made up). Those artists I listed earlier are like Anamanaguchi

    I get what you're saying about the shows and production values. There's very few pure chiptune artists out there and the only time you'd see them perform live in any kind of serious venue is at MAGfest. I get the point about wanting to see a show. It's just not my scene.

    There's a lot of stuff out there that scratches a lot of itches. There's guys who still do SID work. I don't hate Anamanaguchi; they just don't do it for me, and that's OK that they are for you. This stuff is still pretty obscure, Anamanaguchi is probably the only chiptune band with any kind of recognition and aren't

    This is some great material. Thanks for sharing!

    It was water. Ordinary water.

    While it's not really a film, the last pop-culture thing centering on fast food that is semi-positive is probably Spongebob Squarepants.

    Time to dig out the grandspa's guitars and get to work.

    Thank you for the reasonable response!

    I'm gonna be that guy and go that I never really cared much for Anamanaguchi since I first heard them over a decade ago. There's better chiptune bands out there. Their sound's evolved a lot, but Anamanaguchi always seem one step behind. I'm happy that Anamanaguchi is successful, but Jake Kaufman, Stemage, and aivi &

    This guy probably saw it somewhere on the internet too, so let's throw a GJ,I into it for good measure.