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    I am the man
    Who arranges the blocks
    That descend upon me
    From up above

    Thanks for that really ugly pic of Brundlefly in the header, I really needed that in my morning RSS filing. :|

    🎵Three hams will kill him
    Three hams will kill him
    I shouldn't feed him three hams! 🎵

    Indeed. It's a good contrast. I know the B-Dubs type, he gets a few bits on 30 Rock and he thinks he's the next Jon Stewart but "with more respectability." Those guys will eventually hang themselves like Brian did because they can't resist jazzing something up or their memory gets shifted over time.


    Seems a bit perverse that Brian Williams, an otherwise trustworthy, upstanding, and affable fellow, essentially got his career torched for exaggerating something while a serial liar has fell upwards into being an actual candidate for the nation's highest office.

    Thom Yorke/Bjork, The What a Cartoon Special, Bat-Mantis, Kentucky Nightmare, and Andy Dick (Boat Show).

    Gulden's is more of a northeast / east coast thing, as far as i know. It's spicy brown mustard. you can find copycats of it everywhere.

    What you got might depend on where you live. Where was The Woodright's shop aired? I know us northeastern types got New Yankee Workshop.

    You could probably write an extensive article on each of the first three Castlevania's soundtracks. No clunkers in any of them. Especially on the influence that permeates each of them. When you tell people that Dwelling of Doom is a thinly veiled rip of Yngwie Malmsteen, it blows their minds.

    When I was but a wee DV in the picturesque hills of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, I watched Bob Ross on WMHT because he came on after New Yankee Workshop, which my grandfather watched religiously. I was amazed at how Mr. Ross could paint this vivid landscape in a half an hour. Of course, being said wee DV at the tender…

    Norm, a UMass alum and native of Milford, Mass is a well-known representative of the south Mass bay accent. My engraving professor in college spoke exactly like him.

    That "some woodworking show" was likely The New Yankee Workshop, hosted by Norm Abram. We made sure to swear to use our woodworking skills only for good.

    Co-op Castlevania rules. I'd go for a new version of Harmony of Despair. My buddies and I spent a lot of time "Killin' Draculas" as we liked to call it. For a game that unabashedly reused so much content, it did it in a new and endearing way and we never really got tired of it. The only flaw is that the last round of…

    Is it the original version with the crunchy Casio synths or the season 5 version with the terrible strings / horns?

    It did not, though I was referring more to the Mel Torme cameo.

    We were all in Norm's court anyway. New Yankee Workshop was a Sunday morning staple for us New England men. Plus, we all swore to use our power of woodworking for good.

    Now that's a deep cut.

    The only thing I remember as "interesting" in this show's otherwise formulaic tripe is Tim's completely one-sided rivalry with Bob Vila. I can sympathize with that. Tim's basically a C-list regional cable host hawking bargain brand tools, and Bob Vila's got the deal with Craftsman and possibly the most popular home…

    He still does Campbell Soup as well, IIRC. He was doing Chevrolet Trucks for a while, but I think he's off of that one.