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    No, but I am an artist and writer.

    Larry Hama's going to be at my local comic con this weekend, I'm looking forward to finally meeting him. Dude was a major influence on my work.

    He was also going to be Moe Szyslak too, but Azaria replaced him before the show even aired.

    The best episode is the one where Shipwreck is trapped in the nightmarish city of Synthoids.

    Yeah, I can't remember her name either. Aunt Amy is the only one I remember specifically.

    Her mom was really great. When I rewatched the series I recognized a lot of good mom moments out of her, especially the episode where her sisters meet back up for a family reunion (or some other family gathering, it's been a long time). You can see how her home life had shaped her, how she always had to work harder

    Today on Sick Sad World!

    *silent thought*

    His first appearance in Top Chef Season 5 was a bright spot in an otherwise awful soap opera season. It did a lot to turn around my impression of him (which was based wholly on seeing his earlier show and popular culture). People ragged on him for a long time, like any popular person, but he really does know what he's

    I have a lot of respect for that. I do the con circuit as an artist (on top of my day job) and I've been fortunate that the vast majority of con chairs have been good people. Characters, certainly, who run themselves a bit ragged, but the ones I've dealt with on a personal basis have all been lovely, save one.

    No, it's a smiley used on the SomethingAwful forums, it looks like an open-face Pac Man. I always likened it to a "wakka-wakka" type of noise/face. Although, now that you say it, I can see how one could interpret it as a duck.

    Wow, power to your wife. I heard of that con, that stuff went amazing well for early internet era.

    Whoops. That's what I get for posting at work. Fixed. :V

    Don't worry, Greg Weisman keeps that corpse going now and again.

    He was originally going to be Roboduck since he was inspired by RoboCop (he still has the R insignia on him), but they changed to Gizmoduck* because the disney lawyers went "Well, we want to avoid the potential of being sued."

    Yes. Darkwing is from Universe A, while Negaduck is from Universe 1.

    She loved to fight all the jag-you-ares…

    While I may not like the Jets, it's fans like Pops Freshenmeyer that I can respect.

    ~Who the fuck still drives a Supremo?~

    Well, there is the movie next year. After that… who knows?