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    ~Come on down to Ocean Town, everyone~

    Sheltie has made 11111 comments and cannot make any more comments, lest that beautiful number be changed.

    OCEAN TOWN: No longer on fire!

    FX705 has it all. A villain, heroic punching pilots, and putting a fully-loaded DC-10 in barrel rolls. You could make a legit Apollo 13-esque movie out of it that wouldn't need to take too many liberties.

    It really is fascinating. The episode of Air Crash Investigation (or Mayday as it's sometimes called) about the Gimli Glider is up on youtube, it's a good watch.

    Because that son of a bitch has been spreading lies! My cereal does NOT cut the roof of your mouth… with all respect.

    Their reprimand also wasn't too harsh because of a unit conversion error that AC had not ironed out in standard procedure either. There was a bunch of blame to go around for the Gimli Glider. It was a human error not of malice.

    The ground always wins. Landing successfully is merely a draw.

    I helped invent video LPs and PDP makes me regret doing it every day.


    Wow, that's harsh.

    He's awful because he hurt me specifically!

    Wow, that had me fooled, and I'm usually very good at picking up on voices. Well done, Mr. Moy.

    I don't know where people draw their line where they abandon Jefferson Starship, but this song has kind of tainted otherwise good Jefferson Starship songs given the fact that Starship and Jefferson Starship are different animals, despite sharing some personnel.

    The sad thing is that the best part of HC is the back half of it!

    Isn't the series going to be called Supervolt?

    It came up the other day in a discussion about you-know-who and the usage of rhetoric about "Making America Great Again." It's always been one of my favorite bits. Patriotism isn't about loving your country, it's about standing up for what you believe in despite the fact that you may suffer and lose in the process.…

    "Without its ideals, its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash. A nation is nothing. A flag is a piece of cloth."

    I am all over this. The Misfits were the breakout characters in the new series anyway, it's only logical for them to get their own book.

    Bill kinda lost me after he completely and utterly screwed up Deflategate. At least NDT went back and admitted he was wrong because the info back then was completely and utterly wrong thanks to the NFL and Chris Mortensen.