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    Hey, Hesh wants some sex!

    It's a complete lie. My maternal grandfather and uncles had all their hair. My paternal uncle and my father both suffered traditional male pattern baldness. My older brothers both have their hair, and so do my male cousins on both sides of my immediate family. I am the only boy in the immediate group who drew the

    Hello. This is mom Universe. The children are playing swords… playing WITH swords. Oh no, they are bleeding. They are dead. Don't call again.

    Now now, we'll just poof them and they can take their time regenerating until they learned their lesson.

    This episode had a lot of personal resonance. Not because I suffer from PTSD, but like all people I've got regrets, decisions I wish I could change, and anxiety problems. It's true that you can't let the past weigh you down, and the problem with most interpersonal (and intrapersonal, as it were) relationships is the

    Put him back in dead! Take him off the cart because he's not yet dead!

    Naming rights have gone TOO FAR! Are the White Sox that bad that they couldn't get, like, Portillo's to pony up for a name?

    In the still shot in the headline, the second mac from the left is the Twentieth Anniversary Mac, made in 1997 to celebrate Apple's 20th anniversary. Basically a powerbook in a stand-up desktop case, it was stupid expensive because it was hand delivered to you. They wound up firesaling them in the end. Real neat

    The galaxy warp is likely the X off the coast of Nova Scotia, while the X in Russia, is, IMO, the location of the Sea Spire. I have nothing to back this up other than the fact that Lapis and Steven flew to the Galaxy Warp after going through Jersey and Empire City. The Lunar Spire could be any of those ocean locales.

    Look, Scalia fell into the River Styx this year, we should be grateful.

    Sev'ral Timez was already freed, but we don't know if there were any other acts left.

    Lou Pearlman dead today at the senseless age of 62.


    The new Flintstones is my surprise hit of the summer. If it keeps up the quality it'll be this year's award for "something I was not expecting to be good and instead blew me away."

    Whoa, hold on there, Steely Dan!

    RIP OhthePossibilities, they died as they lived.

    There's some clips of it on Youtube. Bill sure wore some wacky outfits on that.

    Picture Pages, Christ. I haven't thought about that show in 25+ years. Now there's the deepest of all cuts.

    Oh man, this show. That's a deep cut for PBS. I wonder if the ghost ever did find rest for his (her?) soul.