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    Well, that too. But the past several months these reviews haven't given me any more insight than what I get from watching the episode myself, so I'm wondering why I still bother reading them. Oliver is an otherwise thoughtful writer, it just feels like his heart isn't in these anymore.

    hon hon, Air France, hon hon!

    I watch it, love it, my friend worked on it (though she's moved on to another show at this point).

    Sava's reviews of this show have been mediocre for almost the past year, it's just been half-remembered details of a retelling of the episode with no real analysis.

    Peace in the middle east, homes!

    Every one of Peridot's lines were pure gold. They had some reruns on over the weekend that were basically "Homeworld's Invasion" and had all of Peri's episodes pre-Jailbreak. Peri was such a goddamn nerd, and she still is, just in different ways. I can't believe she's turned into one of my favorite characters given

    This man is over-gasped!

    The Return!

    I'm pretty sure there was a Harvey Birdman episode with this very plot…

    United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
    Haiti, Jamaica, Peru!

    Good idea: Playing catch with grandpa.

    I agree with that sentiment, what a great way of putting it. That's whats going on at CN studios at the moment.

    I think the big reason is, that like with comics, the inmates are running the asylum now.

    Hey, The Real Ghostbusters gave J. Michael Straczynski's career a big shot in the arm, so it at least deserves credit for that.

    "Anime was a mistake," says local grizzled anime director, and it's hard to disagree sometimes.

    James Rolfe is my brother's age (about 36-37), and i'm not too far behind.

    I think making Doom the more gonzo focused shoot-em-up while Wolfenstein tackles more plot and character (in addition to still killing Nazis) is probably the right split, given the histories of both series.

    Her name is Stella. She's a Crystal Fighter. She does cocaine.

    I'm not sure what you intended to say, but your comment is blank.

    Well, they do have little voices going beep beep beep.