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    As much as I love Goodbye Stranger, it's always given me a similar kind of vibe. "Hey, wait a minute, this guy's just using these girls and moving on!" But this is something Rick Davies has explored in prior works, and one could analyze that particular song depending on various points of view and come out with a

    As much as I love Junie Foray (a Springfield, MA native and a national treasure), Magica was not 100% in DT:R. Unfortunately she was a bit too… denture-y. The past five years have taken a lot more of a toll on her than the past ten. I saw her live in 2006 and she did sound nearly the same (and didn't look a day over

    I was mostly surprised that they said they would recast everyone, even the people who were already recast to account for deaths since the original and actors who have voiced characters in everything else (like Russi Taylor). I understand recasting Scrooge and I was actually OK with it. Young was nearing centenarian


    IMO "Door Hinge" is a valid rhyme for orange, but I'm not paid to be a writer.

    A lot of future talent worked on Mickey's Carol. They'd either go on to run Disney Television Animation or move on to features or Pixar. So it worked out in the end.

    "Spirit, whose lonely grave is this?"

    It's the only logical choice.

    We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an… orange.

    You are correct, but that phrase is the one I remember best.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately) Hal Smith, the voice for Glomgold, died over twenty years ago.

    Bless me bagpipies. :(

    If you live in the Merrimack valley or commute on US 3, your odds will be higher of seeing it.

    We're in the same boat. While I've never done work as notable as that of the Whalers, it's the standard I try to hold myself to.

    Treasure that hat, my son, and perhaps some day the Whale will ride again.

    I design logos, and a lot of it is the mercy of some middle-management type who wants to make his stamp known. Rebranding will boost flagging sales! People will forget our past mistakes! While good design is timeless a lot of people don't know just how good something is until it's gone.

    This is what I used to do, I would drain out most of the broth since that's where all the salt is.

    Pigeon enthusiasts don't have Pearl stickers on the back of their Subaru. :V

    What, you're not the person with the BRD MOM plates I saw a picture of last year? :V

    I always chuckle when I see well-done renditions of the New Jersey Turnpike and its off-beat signage. Plus, Steven's line about Jersey was the best Jersey joke since Futurama. On the other hand, though it appears to be a gag this show is falling in to the unimaginative "X City" naming convention that afflicts DC