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    I can grok that.

    Nothing to do with morals in my book, just more of… what audience did they hope to capture with it? I always looked at it with a laugh. The kiddie adaptation of R-rated adult are films very… interesting in terms of choice of material. I guess kids liked Rambo because the poster was cool? Same with Robocop. I guess you

    You know, that's a salient point. There was Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, based off another off-beat B movie.

    And yet somehow they decided to make a kid's cartoon out of this series, which baffles me even more than the Rambo series.

    Hopefully the theme song will be the actual theme song (and styled after the Season 2 version with the crunchy synths).

    Scholz was a notorious control freak and clashed a lot with the non-Brad Delp members of the band in the early days. He was fueled entirely by the fact that he hated the people he worked with at Polaroid.

    No Bionic Commando, completed with explod-ing Trump head? For SHAME.

    This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry!

    Oh, I'd deny the greatest 30 continuous music list by a lot.

    Did we not just have a similar article about Seger a few weeks ago? Pretty sure we did.

    On the other hand, Don't Stop Believin' is the only song I was able to 100% on vocals on Expert in Rock Band.

    How about I play Detroit Rock City and Come Sail Away and let's see how they stack up side by side? You want that, you high-voiced bastard?

    Tom Scholz crafted almost the entirety of that album in his basement while working at Polaroid. The music's been run into the ground, but it's hard to deny that the span of tracks from More than a Feelin' to Hitch a Ride would be a big entry on a list of the greatest 30 minutes of continuous music.

    I sorely missed his presence.

    Do not be too hasty in entering that room—I had TACO BELL FOR LUNCH!

    Sure you can!

    And still the Raven
    Remains in my room
    No matter how much I implore
    No words can soothe him,
    No prayer remove him,
    and I must hear forevermore…

    I would be the first in line.

    While a decent song in its own right, the true purpose for Rock Me Amadeus to exist was to give us "Stop The Planet of the Apes, I Want To Get Off!"

    The Mariners have had some pretty good teams over the years. I'm not a fan of theirs but it's hard not to like the organization. Plus, King Felix. I witnessed his perfecto in person at Safeco. I wish he could end his career with a ring.