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    Cleveland: At least we're not Detroit!

    You could say that he's a… mellon collie.

    After churning through the series, my verdict is that it's good. It's not great, as it gets very formulaic despite going against genre in many places. The idiot-hatting going on is occasionally grating. The fact that we still have "mean girl cheerleader" types in TYOOL 2016 is doubly annoying. But it has a lot of

    It's the one that gave me the miracle worker speech, so it's probably my personal most influential episode of TNG.

    Yes, such a show is clearly beneath us. *cough*

    I thought it was a funny way to spell Sardonyx.

    Let the cactus fart!

    It was pretty good. Not SBT levels of good, but quite watchable.

    I missed y'all, at least, if you're not in other comment sections.

    You are an evil person for quoting that song. But, in the spirit of Stevens, I will not downvote you.

    Did somebody say Khrushchev!?

    So who will be cast to play Nikolai Jakov, head of the KGB?

    I'm with you on that. Mako really was the life and soul of that role. But if Genndy finally gives us closure, I'm OK with a recast, as long as it's not Greg Baldwin. I know he was Mako's Broadway understudy but he didn't really fill in for Iroh very well at all.

    Gotta get back
    Back to the past
    Samurai Jack

    Jamie, what's… "right of way"?

    But… aren't the Eisner Awards SDCC's award show already?

    This was pretty great. I loved Stu's great reveal on the stand.

    The art style on this seems up my alley. Will have to check it out.

    Look at the faces in the crowd as his questions go on. They all know this guy's going to end the thing with a giant wet fart.

    John Oliver has taken up the mantle for me. I used to regularly watch Maher fifteen years ago but he lost me over time when I realized he didn't seem to give a fuck about his more youthful fanbase.