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    Yes, you can install adblockers, that was one of the key feature upgrades of iOS 9.

    Unfortunately the girls have had much thinner linework since the movie. Go watch an S4 or S5 episode after watching an S1 or S2 episode and you'll see a massive difference in line treatment.This show's just continuing the ending aesthetic for the girls. Admittedly, I prefer the thick line look.

    The viciousness of the comments section taunting took him completely by surprise.

    The fact that they got Devo to lead off with a song about Mojo Jojo is both the silliest and most sensible thing about that album.

    Go buy these new comix.


    My dad, an ostensibly blue collar union liberal type, used to do the same thing. I grew up an hour's drive away from Westover AFB, which used to be a SAC base and was a primary target. The "Christmas trees" where the bombers would line up are still there, even though Westover's been a C5 Galaxy base for decades now.

    If they wanted to off Ahsoka, they should have just done it. People would have accepted the tragedy of her being decapitated or having a saber shoved through her gut. She could also survive, but be badly injured and just give up on Anakin and maybe everything else and become a different person. But they basically

    Gotta admit that even the most hippy-dippy dude's gonna shout "GI JOE! A REAL AMERICAN HERO!" when it comes up in that song.


    If it doesn't have Aquaman's Rousing Song of Heroism, I'm out.

    No. There may be a few bright spots, but it's proven to be as worthless as the other current animated Marvel fare.

    This is not every James Bond movie. You lied to me, Archer.

    I can do that too. Look, I'm a real bluzo kind of guy.

    Yeah, this was a legit plot hole. Did they just forget that Deiser existed?

    She's trying to be more… mellow? All her interactions with Ezra tend to be her trying to channel some kind of master-ly personality and it isn't the same,

    "They’re nice and mean."

    What they did in the Ambush Bug episode was nothing sort of genius.

    Turnabout's fair play, since Clark just X-rayed his cowl, and Clark acknowledges it, even.

    Lovecraftian or Gay as Hell™? You decide.