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    A very good suggestion. It has some of the camp of the 60s series without the absolute datedness or absurdity, and it's a quality show.

    Hey, Jimmy! Hey Jimmy! HEY, JIMMY!

    She's cosplaying as Rainbow Quartz (a fusion of Pearl and Rose Quartz) from Steven Universe. When they fuse, they get multiple eyes, limbs, and such.

    With your consent, I can experiment further still…

    Doc-tails! Woo-hoo!

    I was hoping that the post-EMH Avengers was an aberration, but this was clearly in Assemble's vein as being terrible, and all the other Marvel shows have followed in being generally terrible. I'm sure if I was eight I'd like it, but the bar, as they say, has been raised.

    I think this is one of those "This series seems interesting" that they started with and nobody expected it to get this bad, and at this point Kevin's just seeing it out to the end of the season, which is in a few weeks.

    Please, Star Wars, just subtitle the fucking droids and save us from the non-stop "Lassie? What's wrong girl? Is Timmy stuck in the well?" that they have to fall into.

    AB-5 the misanthropic android.

    He's more of a Heathcliff than a Garfield.

    According to the Rebels Recon it's not Dantooine, it's a planet called Atollon.

    For a dude who's 80 he looks barely a day over 70.

    It could be worse, it could be the New Jersey DMV.

    Max Lord seemed pretty contrite in this episode. Wonder if he's going to come around a bit to the not-so-evil but kind of amoral Max Lord?

    Yeah, that played me like a fiddle. The people working on this show know how to wring us in those little moments.

    They used Eminence Front for the commercials for this series, and I was kind of hoping that they would use it for the theme or in the show in general, but they didn't. I can't think of a song that is more thematically appropriate to this show.

    The joke's on you in these comments at least, because most HTML (and disqus) filters out extraneous white space. Go back and check your comments; they're all single spaced.

    Symmetrical means both sides have to be THE SAME!

    “We put two spaces after a period on all our documents. It looks a lot cleaner on the page.” Confirmed: Davis & Main is an evil place full of evil people.

    That stork was also drunk as fuck, a fact I didn't pick up on until many years later when going through the golden collections.