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    The first trailer just bamboozled me when I saw it in the theater. You have this great physical comedy with this well-animated lady (who is clearly going to be a main character) and she's nowhere to be found in the credits. Talk about tone deaf.

    Maybe if Idaho wasn't Utah's less successful younger brother, people would like him more.

    Dana Delaney *eyebrows*

    Another Lois novel that never actually got off the ground. But man, it would have been great if it did!

    Dragoon is going senile.

    Good thing I didn't unload things about where my Lysander lives, then. :V

    One hint: #rm2k. If that means nothing to you, then alas, you are not the Lysander I know.

    I wonder if you're the Lysander I know. Low odds, I know, but possible.

    Yeah, if you can find someone here who knows of DS songs other than Walk of Life, Money for Nothing, and Sultans of Swing you are quite lucky.

    But he's not dead yet.

    Yet another week without a song. They better be saving Rocky Mountain Way for the season finale and not waste it.

    It's been a thing for quite a while now.

    I was really in to Top Chef around season 4 (my ex at the time got me into it) and I followed it regularly for several years. I think the back-to-back monstrosities of Texas and Seattle took the magic away. They did turn it around a bit last year, but I'm pretty much done with it. TBH, when you have the Four

    Didn't even make the connection. Oh, what a foolish fool I've been.

    I'm still friends with some of the devs of the game (I was one of the two mods on the official BC forums) and they've all landed on their feet, more or less. I have a whole bunch of stuff that one of my friends from Capcom sent me during that time. Like an actual can of Umbrella revive!

    I'll agree with that, one of the few scenarios where a re-record is better.

    Yes, yes he did. He wasn't half bad, either, had some real great lines.

    Dream Police and Surrender are both better tracks than I Want You To Want Me.

    I was expecting a Top Chef joke that never came. But Chopped was an acceptable alternative.