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    Interesting that Dean Sr. didn't get mentioned, I think this is the first episode where he at least encourages Stewart to do something (get his boys back together and work as a team). Yes, it's serving Dean and himself in a way, but he at least worked with Stewart a tiny bit instead of just blowing him off in favor of

    Oh cruel fate, to be thusly ground! Ask not for who the grind grinds, it grinds for thee.

    It was a weird amalgam of Paradise by the Dashboard Light and Thunder Road, and it was great. Clear influence from both.

    This isn't a comments section, it's a murder.

    Con Air?

    Nobody knows, it's never explained.

    You have a crystal ball on this one for today's Watch This? ;)

    Ya know, there's something to be said for Hater's amalgam of Meat Loaf and Bruce Springsteen. I enjoyed the songs, it was a good episode, I was just hoping for more of a real shake-up other than "Hater gives up on Dominator." It was a baby step when I was expecting a leap.

    My prime guess is baseball card guy.

    Necessity is the mother of all invention, after all. As someone who is creative, sometimes it takes some restrictions or a monkey wrench to truly get you to make your best work. A standard dolly wouldn't have gotten them that shot down the stairs.

    They thought he was still hanging out behind Stratego.

    Pretty sure all Steven Seagal movies are "Die Hard on a blank."

    Also, I loved hearing Liam Neeson go "Get off my train!" in the Lego Move in a clear riff on Ford's delivery. No children watching that movie are going to get it, but I guffawed.

    All the relevant people would be dead, he would have said "The president told me to go" and it would just have ended tragically. How would anyone have known otherwise? The people that saw him shoot were dead.

    He flew around in a garish new plane, as if to say, "Look at me, Rex Banner, I have a new plane!"

    This movie has its ups and downs, and probably on balance is overall negative. But GET OFF MY PLANE elevates it to FL350 of notoriety, and it does have several other good bits as well. Still one of my favorite popcorn movies.

    Thunder Road is one of those things that I know is great, but I just can't get into it. In my ranking of Bruce's discography it'd be a lot lower for me, personally. Hungry Heart will always be number one.

    Pff, pokeymans. Everyone knows that Digimon was the superior series.

    My money is on Timothy Olyphant, that rat bastard.

    Fair point, hadn't considered the gift angle. Still, passing off a counterfeit as a real deal doesn't sound like a good mom thing to do.