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    So does that make you the clutch, or the gear shift?

    I think the lesson we all learned from this episode is not to drink straight paint.

    The way he delivered that made it feel like he's sheepishly said the same thing before. Like a kid admitting he doesn't know whether or not he'll like a new food.

    "We didn't see it…"

    Not having her show up again would be a crime. it would be like if Dr. Leo Spaceman was a one-off character.

    Have to vote Abbi here, mostly because she is pretty much my ideal type of woman. However, Ilana is the catalyst that makes her do the truly outrageous things. You can't have one without the other.

    That got a big laugh from me. Her reaction was priceless. It would be just like Ilana's mother to pass off a counterfeit as the real deal, and pocket the difference for herself. At least the fake-bag sellers are honest about it.

    They should film it in good ole Haverill, Massachusetts to get the real authentic feel.

    "I heard your parents are getting a divorce!"

    Dave was indeed the inferior Venkman, but for him it was probably a paycheck to him. The reason why Lorenzo was replaced was because Bill Murray wanted someone to sound more like him, so they went out and got Dave (who did a passable if unremarkable Murray impression).

    Hands into hands into hands into hands, it's the DV Combo!

    Denigration was not my intent, my good chum. GMW can still be a good show while The Grinder is the superior. ;) I can enjoy both for what they are.

    Well, yeah, they are two different things, but I just noted it as a little bit of silly irony.

    Did he… kill your father?

    I'm not buying the game until E. Honda is in it. Without my sumo slammin' buddy, I can't enjoy it. Without oicho throws, the game just ain't the same.

    Certainly an enjoyable episode. Age has not been kind to Victor.

    I mean, I like The Grinder, and I was sort of OK with last week's episode (Stew doesn't always have to be a straight arrow character) and I knew what they were doing with this week's episode, but it was just very tough to watch. I don't think I could take another week like this. They're clearly building up to

    The hilarious thing is that Ben Savage's retread show will probably last longer than The Grinder, even though The Grinder is clearly the superior show.

    Glad I wasn't the only person to make that inference.

    the fact that this episode aired without using a Steve Miller song is a crime against Steve Miller. Without clever usage of classic rock, this show does nothing for me. And it had such potential, too.