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    Lemon meringue or bust.

    Who poops in a shoe? Honestly!

    Loved the Tom Brokaw impression of the newscaster. Other than that, really felt like the second half was just a real drag. At least next week will have, hopefully, a status quo change in My Fair Hatey. Otherwise… I'm not sure how much more I can deal with yet another hopeless Hater pines after Dominator episode.

    Maybe Alura was not exactly the kindest and gentlest of judges.

    Gotta say that "it must be metric" got the biggest guffaw of the night.

    Oh, look! I have what appears to be… a delicious pie! I sincerely hope… nothing happens to it!

    It's probably luck of the draw that AVC got an exclusive preview for Jem this month.

    This current storyline is pretty much about how Synergy is on the fritz, that's why everything's gone dark to begin with. I wouldn't put it above her to just cut out and leave them high and dry. :V

    If Synergy is projecting the outfits (which, given the storyline recently, she may well be) then they're just light. There's nothing to trip on or come undone.

    There's one thing that you can say about this arc, and that it really is… truly outrageous. The book is cashing in a year's worth of chips—let's hope it works out. I'm just surprised the rest of the holograms are on board with the death metal look so quickly. The end of the last issue wasn't quite this far over yet.

    If you didn't like Charlie Bird Lawyering it up in McPoyles vs. Ponderosa, I don't know what to tell you.

    Because selling multiple SKUs works so well for our trading card simulator, let's put it into our shipping simulator too. Just watch the dollars roll in!

    Rosebud… yes, Rosebud Frozen Peas. Full of country goodness and green pea-ness. Wait, that's terrible. I quit!

    Anyway, making comics rules.

    Many moons ago, I made a C-list webcomic (in that it had a small-but-faithful following, we did attend conventions, and were part of a collective that had what are now really big names attached to it, like Spike and KC Green). This was back in the early-to-mid aughts, back when webcomics was the wild west.

    Honestly felt there was a lot of Final Fantasy VI World of Ruin stuff in there. Bill Cipher was pulling a lot of "Monument to non-existence!" in his monologue to Ford.

    How about letting us just choose the player-character's gender? If they're going to stick with a mute hero, at least let us choose. It works in Fire Emblem, why not LoZ?

    Not the first time a cartoon's done such a thing; my first exposure to that song was in Freakazoid, of all things.

    Do not be too hasty entering that room—I had TACO BELL for lunch!

    Even the music during the construction sequence was heavily inspired by Pacific Rim (and the Cancel the Weirdpocalypse quote, natch).