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    Anti-Time Baby.

    Turns out it's not the water that kills them, but the sugar from the soda.

    Bill Cipher is basically Kefka from FFVI. Got some real creation of the World of Ruin vibes during that bit where he was monologuing to Ford.

    "Now he's trapped in a world I've created, one full of plot holes and spelling errors."

    Turns out all the residents of Far Harbor are Decapodians, guarded by a Mobile Oppression Palace.

    I think the fact that Link actually has a character here that isn't an avatar gives it that much more emotional weight. Dude actually has thoughts and opinions and stuff!

    The magic of Honda is, of course, the oicho throw. Master that and you are unstoppable.

    Agreed. Sometimes creatively working within boundaries can produce more interesting work, whodathunk. c.f. John Kricfalusi.

    I for one am ready for our AET overlords, I'd be the first to press the button to blow up the toll plazas if I could.


    Time for DV's Tollbooth Willy inaccuracies!

    Sandler did, at one point, have talent. "They're All Gonna Laugh At You!" had a lot more good material, whereas WTHHTM had a lot more filler. But it did give us the Goat, so… net gain?

    I'm a scrub of the scrubbiest level. I'm decent enough at Street Fighter (both II's iterations and IV) to be able to beat most average people, but put me up against actual people who could be in tournaments and I get destroyed. I'm sure if I practiced more I could get over that wall, but I got other shit to do.

    You may be right; I haven't seen the actual episode where they talk about the script in years. Funny how I can remember the bit exactly, but not that detail.

    I just love the refrain of The Nightman Cometh. The moment that Charlie and Mac have when they're brainstorming the actual lyrics (which was in an earlier episode) never fails to get me guffawing.

    The current comix team is helmed by Sophie Campbell (art) and written by Kelly Thompson. There's some issues that have art by a different artist, but Thompson is pretty much the woman in charge. John Barber is the editor.

    Pearl is not my favorite gem, I think that title goes to Amethyst, but I certainly identify with Pearl the most.

    Here's your standard-issue DV comment reminding you to read the Jem comix instead; they're the reboot that fans and newcomers alike both enjoy.

    A bore of an episode.

    Paget Brewster is good for at least one highlight/LOL moment per episode, and it's almost always my highlight.