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    Is there… Mrs. BJ Blazkowicz?

    I knew that song sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. Thanks for solving that nagging mystery.

    Considering that this episode was probably boarded in 2014 and recorded a short while after, none of us knew what we wanted yet.

    It was as if millions of shippers cried out in joy, and them were immediately silenced.

    He doesn't want it to be Lil' Butler all over again.

    But if they fuse, they'll be a giant woman, thusly killing your short stack.

    I'm OK with her being the Charlie of the group.

    He was more hurt by Garnet calling him soft.

    This week in hilarious book titles:

    Nope, just some guy. Although if I were to make a television show, it would probably be a lot like Steven Universe.

    Now I want Yellow Diamond going to Rose Quartz's garage sale.

    P-P-P-Peri and the Gems~

    Suffice to say that I'm only familiar with Johnny Paycheck's recording of the song. To be fair, it is far more well known, despite the fact that Coe wrote it. GSMS is being a bit cheeky, methinks, but I know all too well how people get about proper credit.

    The only reason I know this stuff is because my uncle had the same truck and my dad had the same van. Also cause I'm a car guy too, I guess.

    If you play Tropical Freeze, you can play as DK, Diddy, Dixie, and even Cranky. On single-player they help out DK, but in co-op you can take back your favorite Kong again.

    Protocol droids.

    I request a Satanic funeral!

    I liked what they were doing with this episode with Jake and Viola, but LSP is toxic to this show nowadays. Viola is a saint for putting up with and fighting back against that.

    This sound like a job for CLODS!