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    She's been crushing it since Catch and Release. Been one of the highlights of this run. Her noises of pain and disbelief at the end of this episode were priceless.

    Remember the Pinky and the Brain (and Larry) episode?

    But I said all of that. Even if she is personal and vindictive, it's all in the name of the Empire.

    They were in what appears to be a 90s-era GM C/K full-sized pickup truck, specifically a Chevrolet. The steering wheel, dashboard, column shifter, and glovebox/airbag cover are dead giveaways. They even got the in-dash pull-out cupholder right. However, as drawn, the truck has power windows, not crank windows. This

    There's no losers in DKC 2, for a few reasons.

    I shouldn't complain because BC got excellent respect in all three of BC:R, BC 2009 and BC:R2. But Area 08 will still remain the best.

    And I did it without any spoilers, too!

    I met Raven once at a convention in 2012; she stopped by my artist table and was super interested in one of my pieces. She was quite radical. I think by this time she was actually working on boarding Steven, but I didn't know that fact at the time.

    Sorry for striking a nerve, man.

    Time sure makes fools of us all. Here we thought she'd be a big evil villain, and it turns out she's just a nerd.

    DeeDee channeling her inner Janine Melnitz.

    YD: Pearl, hit the retaliate button.
    P: Uh… hmm… ah…
    YD: ANY button! They ALL retaliate!

    Johnny Paycheck would be proud.

    I like being right. And also wrong! :V

    Well, he picked three favorites. ;) But the three of them are the best tracks he's ever written, so there you go.

    Everyone's got their whales.

    No marks against Ignatiy but everybody always picks this track. I'm not grumpy about it in particular, but Island Swing is the true star of that soundtrack. Fear Factory is the most ambitious. Aquatic Ambience is the most appropriate.

    Rewatching the episode this morning, the Moon Base reminded me both of Final Fantasy IV's crystal moon palace and the Da'at Yichud sanctum in Wolfenstein: The New Order. The former for its outward appearance and the fact that it's on the goddamn moon, the latter for its inward appearance of a floating staircase that

    Also the Apollo program, since she requested F1 liquid fueled rocket engines.

    Sometimes the point of your life is to serve as a warning to others.