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    The CGs, meanwhile, have been trying to solve almost every problem with punching since the start of the series. If it weren't for Steven's efforts (especially around Warp Tour), they'd have been right screwed already.

    A current theory is that it's a kind of mega-bubble containing a powerful gem.

    Everyone has an "eat it straight out of the jar" vice.

    Vegeta is also another classic example. He's short… Peridot is short… she has a chance! :V

    One Lion Liquor:

    You basically described what happens to Zuko from the end of S2 to the middle of S3 of ATLA. I'm pretty sure you've seen that series, though, so I think we're both on the same page in what we want to see happen.

    I have managed to avoid spoilers. I hope and believe that the show would set Peridot up to be more than frenemy eventually, but it's gonna be a real gut punch when she slips up. :(

    There isn't a problem that 1970s progressive rock can't solve… so long as she doesn't slip into a Floyd hole.

    Yes, the Kansas song.

    She was off working on the drill; she may not even have been in eyeshot if the gems moved the stuff out of the way for the party. Also, TV show economics.

    Yeah, exactly! She needs to meet Greg and Connie.

    This felt like one half of a two-parter. Tomorrow can't get here fast enough!

    "Peace of Mind" - Boston

    Same, except 1970s Boston.

    Vice City also had the best talk radio stations (VCPR and KCHAT) along with Lazlo on VROCK, Fernando on Emotion… man, what a stellar radio selection.

    c.f. the copy of Passions of Xanxor.

    His default shirt is a nice salmon color. He'll get there.

    Up here, Grinder is a form of sandwich. I wonder what ingredients would form a Mitch Grinder.

    Nobody knows what will happen if Steven is poofed, or if he has the capability of poofing. I would hope he has the capability of dying, or at least rebirthing himself into a new form.

    She's like mid-S2 Zuko at the moment. She hasn't had her true moment of betrayal by someone she gave her loyalty to. When that happens, she'll be on Team Steven. That's my guess, at least.