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    They got little voices goin' beep beep beep

    Babies would drive Pearl crazy, what with all the messes and ignoring commands and such…

    "Oh, a lesson about aging from mister I'm my own mother!"

    I always liked the fanarts of him as this barrel-chested, bearded Jack Black-alike. With poofy Rose Quartz hair.

    Her best gal pal is Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot.

    Someone earlier mentioned that it was a Mobile Oppression Palace, and I'm on board with that.

    So did Sapphire's; it's more that before they go "down to earth" everyone is more monochromatic. There's no blacks or whites, just tones of colors. Check out Rose and Pearl in the cloud arena vs. later when they meet up with the new Garnet.

    BD's Pearl is shorter than her knee. Rose is a head taller than Pearl (ish). She would literally dwarf Rose Quartz.

    I thought the same about Garnet and Stevonnie's form. Steven and Connie's look will have to change because of their clothes; Stevonnie would theoretically look different depending on their outfits. Note that the other times Fusions come up their forms have changed depending upon their fuse-ees… see Opal in The Return,

    Well, the true future is what actually happened. But Sapphire did not consider that one of the possibilities (a fusion) was likely to happen because such things just don't happen. That's why I said defective in a Homeworld sense: they only want something that conforms to their order. Sapphire (and Garnet) likely

    Felt a lot of Stevonnie parallels here, especially with proto-Garnet's body language. Clearly intentional callback, but it felt great, because they were doing something new in both cases. No wonder Garnet reacted how she did.

    I will riot if this week's theme doesn't include an article on "Ransacked" from Wolfenstein: The New Order.

    It's actually Pennsylvania. Watch the road signs, you'll see the Keystone as their state route shield. The football team is the Rustys (Steelers), the airline Mohican is a riff on Mohawk, which was bought out by Pennsylvania-based Allegheny Airlines in 1972. While it's not named, the city is a dead-ringer for

    Syracuse are cheap ass motherfuckers, but it ain't in the Hudson River Valley. Ya got a 50%, Rosie, good enough.

    The featured images for the last two reviews are eerily coincidental.

    I'll agree to disagree without going into a repetition of all the differences (which are far more than the backing vocals). To me, it's like the difference between a Cheez-It and a Cheese Nip. They're the same thing, yeah, but they're not the same, and one is clearly superior to the other for defined reasons. (The

    As far as I can tell, the film's version is only on the film's soundtrack and has never been remastered. Maybe it's a rights issue.

    No, it is a Joe Walsh song. The take in the film is not the same as the one done later with the rest of the Eagles. The version on the film was recorded before that and was intended to be on Joe's solo "But Seriously, Folks…" and was cut because Glenn Frey wanted it to be on an Eagles album. The Eagles re-record is