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    "The Eagles version is much better though."

    Somewhere out on that horizon,
    Out beyond the neon lights,
    I know there must be something better,
    But there's nowhere else in sight…

    I'm not really a fan of the original, but I did like it. I watched the movie in a plane, and it's a great airplane movie. Kills time, looks good, lots of fun, not too much to think about. Glad not to have spent money in the theater on it, but I appreciated the graphical flourishes which were a great homage to the

    I haven't heard a really good cover of this song, so it is entirely believable that U2's is crap.

    Kinda conflicted. It's not a bad take on the song, but it's a bit too dour for my tastes. For as gloomy as the original can be about the loss of innocence on Christmas, it still had a tinge of redemption. It's a tale about how a kid learned about the lie of Christmas (Santa Claus) but with time and maturity managed to

    Well, you go back, Jack, and do it again…

    According to Wikipedia, iIn the older animated series it was the nondescript Miss Miller who watched over the Chipettes. Why they didn't adapt her into these awful movies is anyone's guess.

    I'm glad I apologized to Mohcocoa.

    Petty tends to play at least one Wilbury track (if not two) in his live set. When I saw him in 07, it was End of the Line. At a later year it was Handle with Care. He always dedicates it to George.

    Please do one of these matches for the original Supertramp version and the highly inferior Goo Goo Dolls take of "Give a Little Bit" and destroy the Goo Goo Dolls version. I'm begging you.

    I prefer the soundtrack version, everyone's singing is better. Just a tighter, better version altogether.

    They're two different songs that are pinnacle parodies of their source material, so it's a tough call. Pure Inebriation has less headscratchers (like the arse bit) but Garbageman Can is just so singable. If I had to pick between the two, it'd have to be Garbageman.

    I'm pretty sure that someone could make a pretty cogent argument that the Rocky franchise is the best film franchise.

    Unfortunately, I had to wait for another KISS Film to learn the great scientific fact that pterodactyls can't stand the screech of a guitar.

    Don't forget that they basically ripped off Shandy from Joe Walsh's "Tomorrow," too…

    It's not as well-done as the bizarrely competent Scooby/WWE mixup, but the music video bits were perfect. Detroit Rock City in particular had great visuals.

    I suggest the entirety of the Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze soundtrack, specifically Busted Bayou.

    To the KISS Kopter!

    The "it's you" when they meet for the first time point very strongly to this theory.

    if you click on the downvote button again, it will un-downvote. Try it!