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    When you comin' home, dad, I don't know when
    But we'll get together then
    You know we'll have a good time then

    To be fair, it is questionable as to whether or not the H-4 Hercules actually left ground effect and truly "flew." I wish some mad billionaire would try to build a replica plane with modern materials and engines.

    You had to drag SPINES into this!

    Gravity Falls is gonna die the way it lived.

    This has been floating around a bit and I liken it to the board artist equivalent of "get off my lawn" or "kids these days." Yes, the adults in rugrats were ugly. Don't let those executives get you down; it's OK to deviate from mandated model sheets.

    Wolfenstein: The New Order (along with The Old Blood) may be the game for you.

    They did; ask IBM how well it worked out.

    If it makes you feel any better, the comments section for The Grinder isn't doing so hot either.

    A lot of Carly's songs are like that, tbh.

    The anticipation of this reveal was the stuff that dreams are made of.

    Werewolves of Star Wars

    The "it's you" on the roof might have given this away.

    He's a proper capitalist; he recognizes that he can't make money if he ruins the very world he's trying to suck dry.

    Thankfully nobody here remembers the extremely short-lived Spaceballs: The Animated Series. It's about as terrible as you expect. While Spaceballs the Movie actually has some humor, there is nothing to be found in that putrid wasteland of awful animation, terrible writing, and wooden acting. I saw one short and went…

    This appears to be a new feature or something (the article scrolling) for the star wars week articles? Seems really dumb.

    It depends on the material.

    Special features? No idea. That stuff could be stuck in NTSC purgatory forever.


    JL/JLU were animated in widescreen and film. It's possible to rescan that film at a higher resolution… Just getting a master with no interlacing would be an incredible improvement. Also, less discs used.

    EMH was pretty good, but it wasn't quite up to JLU. Still eminently watchable, though.