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    VelJohnson was great as Abel (Able? No one is quite clear) on Tron: Uprising. A show cut down before its time.

    General, I'm in your house. I'm comin' for ya…

    So when will BJ Blazkowicz show up and save the day?

    Porkchop and Bronx had a fight; Porkchop lost badly.

    My mother is a nurse who's worked in homes and hospitals for over two decades, and I get what you're saying here. Rachel's grandma seemed like she was shoved into a home due to paranoia, where truthfully she probably would be OK by herself with a visiting nurse. My grandfather was lucky enough to live at home until he

    Arnold's grandpa was a badass.

    I've been pondering the same thing. The first Home Alone is definitely the better, more complete movie from an emotional standpoint. The violence all seemed within the range of what a kid could do (getting bopped with a paint can, stepping on a nail, slipping on stairs). I'm pretty sure Joe Peschi's character got

    He had to return to his home planet.

    RIP Ben Franklinstein's Monster, wherever he may be.

    No, I was referring to The Birdbot of Ice-catraz. They create a "peace ring" around the oil tanker, which they think will block the ship's movement, but it instead just goes straight up and over them.

    I was really ready for a Futurama-esque joke about how the ships could move in three dimensions. They couldn't just come out of hyperspace on the other side of the planet?

    She's Lord Dominator, the most evil being in the galaxy, so she does have that going on.

    How about the episode of Rugrats where Drew dreams that Angelica is suing him and Charlotte for being bad parents? Probably one of the darkest episodes of the show.

    Also, can I say that Nöel Wells is a lovely actress? She has been absolutely killing it on Master of None. This is half the reason why I want more screen time for Dominator because Nöel is just brilliant.

    As far as we know, Connie is completely Indian (her surname is Maheswaran).

    I love "has fun being evil" as much as the next guy, but there has to be more sides to Dominator than that. I'm fully confident that we'll get there in time (because this is a McCracken show, of course), but she is pretty one-note as it stands.

    Guaraldi composed for A Boy Named Charlie Brown, but he wasn't the sole musical contributor. Some of the lyrical songs were written by Rod McKuen (the title theme, Failure Face, Champion Charlie Brown). McKuen also sang the title theme. I Before E was written by John Scott Trotter, who arranged Guaraldi's

    While I found both of these episodes to be quite funny and full of excellent gags, I'm a bit worried that Dominator is not getting a fair shake. Hater treats her like a trophy and not a person, and while the show gives the barest of hints that Dominator doesn't care for him (the riff on the ESB "I love you" bit), I'm

    I'm not much a fan of the Doors (or Morrison) but I do like a lot of the music they've made. L.A. Woman is one fine record. The first record is something I've listened to and put away. In terms of musical skill and writing ability it's been superseded in every way by later albums and I find it painful to listen to