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    People think there is only one way to do it, but there's actually several flavors of what people think of as a "Boston" accent. What most people think of is the stereotypical "Sullie from Southie," the pahk the cah in hahvahd yahd thing. But there's a few others going on. Listen to Jerry Remy (color broadcaster for

    Pegged you wrong, then. Usually the people who make that kind of distinction are from my former neck of the woods.

    Nope, Pittsfield. North Adams was on the downslope long before the 90s. (wakka wakka!)

    Route 128 and the two roads known as I-95 with a giant gap in the middle are two distinct entities. The road was 128 for decades longer than it was 95. The fact that 95 was glommed on to 128 is an artifact of the state's freeway planning and the actions of Governor Sargent in the 1970s.

    A lot of New Yorkers work up here (and vice versa), and there's plenty of Yankee fans in Connecticut who also migrate up here.

    It's amazing what winning a world series in historic fashion will do to alter the relationship of two cities.

    "People who think anything west of 95 is out in the sticks, and Worcester is "Western Mass". It's like the NYC thing only on a much more pathetic scale, because it's coming from people who live in/around teeny Boston."

    This is more about Southie than Massachusetts, really. I was born and bred in an area that's about as close to New York as you can get while still being in Massachusetts. Now THAT is a special kind of small-town insular mentality, especially once the #1 employer decides to pack up and leave in the 90s.

    If only Rad's last name was Spencer. *sigh*


    No one's going to call you that.

    I make no bones that my white, thirty-something doughy body would make for a terrible Roadblock. We both have shaved heads, though, so that's going for me.

    Hollywood succeeds because good is dumb. Or something of that ilk.

    It wasn't BAD (I didn't feel like I wasted my money, as I did with Retaliation) but it wasn't exactly great, either. At least Battleship had something memorable (the veterans getting the USS Missouri up and going again).

    I am not surprised about the bit with the script for Jem at all. However, that's the first I've heard of the Starblazers/Battleship connection, and now I want to research it.

    Yes, and he was a lousy Roadblock.

    My GI Joe nerd is showing here, but Firefly (Stevenson's character) doesn't have a known "origin" in terms of where/when he was born. So it's a tossup as to why he or the director decided to go that way.

    At least GI Joe: Rise of Cobra had some kind of schtick. I think Battleship could have worked; we enjoyed it but the characters were just too flat and that's what could have propelled it above. It's not a great film, but it had moments. Battleship wasn't quite on the level of Clue, but with some changes it could have

    It appears to be a pure trademark/IP foothold. Jem has been stuck in rights hell for decades, and now that it's finally freed up a bit, THIS is what Hasbro spends its money on?
