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    I will keep beating this drum: Do not watch this movie. If you like Jem, please buy the Jem comic series published by IDW. It's well written with excellent artwork and maintains the spirit of the original while sensibly updating it for modern times. Kelly Thompson and Sophie Campbell have done an outstanding job on

    Rewatched last week's episode before this one, and they work so well as an hour-long piece of entertainment. By itself, last week's episode was a little weak, but that's because it was split up. As a whole, it was far more satisfying.

    Channel Eleven was our link to New York City in Western Massachusetts. I was once regaled with a story by an engineer who worked for WPIX on how they resuscitated the mothballed transmitters in the Empire State Building after the WTC fell. Suffice to say those guys did what they had to do no matter what.

    Al would occasionally join in with the Wolf on WPYX in Albany. Had a great personality on the radio.

    Well, causality is a cruel master. SOMEONE had to send Kyle Reese back in time to be John's father, after all.

    This was a great video. Thanks, Doc. There's no fate but the one we make for ourselves, after all.

    "(I even convinced my then-roommate to drive me from Boston to Worcester to see the 2002 tour with Garbage, I was such a fan.)"

    X-Men and Spider-Man were both cut from a different cloth. I don't think they hold up as well as the DCAU does, but they're still enjoyable and decent. The Iron Man and Hulk series were hit and miss. I preferred Iron Man myself.

    I'm just ribbing; I never let a chance for a good Futurama reference go unsaid.

    You said it! You can't UN-SAY IT! This has been another COMMENT! OF! INTEREST!

    I hate every ape I see,
    From Chimpan-A to Chimpanzee
    No you'll never make a monkey out of me…

    Of course you can!

    You're also lazy!

    I think you're crazy.

    I watch this show for two reasons: One, the dad-rock inspired episode titles, and two, the week's choice of classic rock song. There was no song in this episode. I am disappointed.

    Ooh, help us, Doctor Zaius!


    Mix in multiple kinds and blammo, you've exceeded 200. That's dazzle logic for you.

    The first mistake in comedy is laughing at your own jokes.

    "You mean after the vast migration of Star Wars fans?"