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    Peridot is Huey, Garnet is Kaz, and Connie is Ocelot?

    Well, he was disguised in a cardboard box in this episode too. ;)

    This episode gifted me one of my favorite quotes. Of course, like most quotes, it is a double edged sword. An example:

    "Show us this… the wheel!"

    She decided the Meg Griffin look was in.

    Most people I know of who live in the outlying areas of the Capital Region refer to the area as "Saratoga" even though the technical name of the town is Saratoga Springs. I know I am guilty of this even though for 2/3rds of my life I watched WTEN, WRGB, and WNYT from the Berkshires.

    Rose Quartz only had a limited time left on the earth and wanted to get REAL freaky with it.

    Shelby Rabara has been really knocking it out of the park in these episodes. She's just… nailed this insecure, fearful, boastful character. It feels like Peri was made for the team from the start, and being able to add on a character like that to a core group dynamic is really hard to do. A character addition hasn't

    Chicks dig giant robots.

    Steven has become some kind of Big Boss ordering the construction of things made of metal, presumably with gears inside of them.

    Yes, he is the lead singer of Tommy Tutone.

    Tommy Heath was going to sue Bruce, too, until he mysteriously backed down.

    Turns out Pirates of Silicon Valley is STILL the best docu-drama of this era of computing.

    You know what the worst thing about being a slave is? They make you work all day but they don't pay you or let you go.

    EG was recently on Rob Paulsen's Talkin' Toons, where the actually go into detail on this situation. Unfortunately, the recording is only available for Patreon subscribers (since it's an at-home recording), but the paraphrased points are:

    Cleveland: At least we're not Detroit!

    *Presses key on keyboard* YEAH-UH!

    It's the only song I can 100% expert vocals in Rock Band, much to my shame. Steve Perry and I have similar vocal range.

    Gold Chains for Old Men Magazine had its highest subscription rates ever.

    Ray Stevens' discography is something that has a lot of nostalgia for me, as my grandfather used to play his records and tapes while he watched me as a wee DV. But it's not high art, and he made a distressing turn towads the terrible in the late nineties. But a lot of his sixties/seventies work can still hold up, even