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    "it’s actually good news because it means that society in general has become exponentially more tolerant of heterosexuality, bisexuality, and other transgender concerns. "

    "- Rose's room, man. There's some kind of gem-brain in there. I want to know more about that."

    Steven's hair is naturally poofy (see Too Many Birthdays), so perhaps his hair just cannot be tamed.

    That's because they're not using wooden stakes, obviously.

    Salt and pepper up that hair and he'd sell it.

    Terry Crews would be perfect.

    We were discussing this at work as to who would be cast. I don't think you can do exactly the same characters (because, honestly, who would you want in the shadow of Mr. T) but I had a few thoughts.

    But Greg Universe is a cartoon, he can't be in this show.

    He better watch out for his future bitter rival, John Jackson.

    Used to be that you weren't a REAL Pink Floyd fan on the old bulletin boards unless you had some RoIOs (Recordings of Illegitimate Origin, or the dumbest term for bootleg recordings) to share around. The MP3 age of the late 90s basically killed their bragging rights because everybody could have those albums now, not


    You're going to extract him?

    I'm sure D-Dog would make GZ a lot easier.

    Also agree with this as well. I don't buy the "He's a different character now" thing, since Akio Otsuka still voices Snake in Japan. They'll also pull the "We wanted the face capture on Kiefer," but they're professional animators.

    I found 4 to be a great disappointment, but I'm sinking tons of time into 5. I just love stealthily offing guys and Fultoning. FULTON ALL THE THINGS! It's basically Peace Walker on steroids.

    Yes, and Meryl in MGS4 is a great character too. But almost every game in the series has such glaring objectification and titillation that it's hard to ignore.

    I don't think we're disagreeing at all. I just wanted MORE Kiefer, that's all. It just felt like "Hey, we spent all this money to get Kiefer, but now we can't actually record anything for him."

    Not disagreeing there, but Big Boss/Snake has always been a chatty fuck, and the wry cynicism and wit are just plain missing. All he does in the cassette conversations is prompt the other speaker.

    Don't get me started on Quiet (or the female Skulls). The in-game justification for her dress is a wink and a nod away from "Amirite, guys?"