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    Fry, why did you get me a subscription to the Daily Growl? That's not a reputable journal of opinion!


    if you're not freezing your Chew, you're just a chump.

    Two solid episodes for me. So many qoutable bits that just keep paying back.

    Garnet, a fusion who never forgets… TO KILL!

    I caught the Who (Quadrinometry) and YMO (OMO) references but The Philosophy Majors seems too abstract to nail down a specific reference. The cover remind me of Kansas covers, but the sound is pure slow Joe Walsh ( a lot of the instrumentation from But Seriously, Folks…)

    His crew includes a badger with a troubled past and nothing left to lose.

    I think it's more that Squenix shareholders finally willed the game into existence so they could finally make some money.

    Yes, yes, that thing you said.

    I wish it was double groovy, but alas, I was just an idiot who forgot that I had already put it in the list when I got interrupted during said list creation.

    Same, it's a favorite. I love it when this show drags up historical characters because they're almost always hilarious. Between "Chester A. Arthur fall down!" and Eisenhower busting out of a box of CANNED EGGS, the show keeps hitting it out of the park.

    It's the "Space canoe" bit that sells it for me, I think.

    "Stop! No shoot fire stick in space canoe! Cause explosive decompression!"

    Seeing this just reminds me that 1995 was the inevitable sophomore letdown after 1994's tour de force of game releases. Yeah, it had Chrono Trigger, but 1994 gave us:

    Tower Records?

    Coconuts, now there's a name I haven't heard in ages.

    Just make a Max Tennyson series, because he was the real star of that show. I'd pay good money for it.

    Everything used to be black and white back in the day. B&W photos were just color photos of B&W!

    There is a paperback version of the complete collection; I would recommend getting this for the kids and keep the hardback for yourself. It's a lot cheaper and lighter than the case bound versions.

    "Stop! No shoot fire stick in space canoe! Cause explosive decompression!"