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    I was one of the first few people to do what is now considered a video LP (back when Screenshot LPs were just getting started in the SA Games forum in late 2006/early 2007). Slowbeef, Maxwell Adams and myself all released our first VLPs around the same time (The Immortal, Ocarina of Time and NES Bionic Commando,

    She is named Barb in the credits, and she was with Sadie back in "The Return," so your intuition is spot on.

    Since people have already nicked my favorite quotes from The Day The Earth Stood Stupid, I have to resort to:

    Stay still while I practice my stabbin'!

    And then they trot it out again in Three Hundred Big Boys.

    But I had never considered that YOU could be evil!

    He may be against the fur industry, but that won't stop him from skinning you alive!

    The hell I will! Have you even read the Captain's Handbook?

    God rest his soul. *removes baseball cap, places over chest, looks down in silence*

    There's actually subdivisions of this accent. There's splinters from various regions inside (and outside!) of 128.

    Using "Turn the Page" instead of Katmandu from Live Bullet is a real oversight, as the Live Bullet version of Katmandu is such a huge improvement over the original.

    This show loves mangling the pronunciation of guacamole in very funny ways. "Gee-you-whack-a-mole"

    Please, I'm creating!

    "These would be great with gwack-a-mole!"

    I've got a big, big thirst for HUMAN BLOOD!

    I feel like Clamps is the spiritual brother of Wreck-It Ralph.

    Chuck had no problems last week when he found Jimmy passed out drunk. He only started showing visible "symptoms" once he checked Jimmy's pocket and found his cell phone. Before that? He was perfectly fine.


    No Aquaman's Rousing Song of Heroism, no dice.

    What are you trying to tell me here, little man, that you don't like Zep?